Wednesday, April 24, 2024

​heroic cop shoots hand of perp aiming machine pistol in akron, ohio; instead of lauding him, the black and the red seek to railroad him into prison, and get the perp and his “family” a multimillion-dollar windfall

By N.S.

The perp’s name is Tavion Koonce-Williams. The designated fall guy is Officer Ryan Westlake.

Not only should the perp be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, but so should his unfit mother. She raised him to think he has a right to brandish and wave guns around in public.

12 days ago (edited)

“So… if the ‘boy next door’ from the city or from a rural county has a fake gun then it’s probably just a kid being a kid and not making it very smart decision but just being a typical boy playing around, but if a kid with a darker tan does it in the city, and he’s just practicing to be a hard gangster and Robert.

Something tells me that’s kind of where you’re going with it, maybe you know that’s where you’re going with it and don’t care or maybe you don’t quite realize how are you very possibly would approach to different scenarios. Just because Mills [?] like him have a much statistical higher likelihood of being evolved [?!] in the legal system doesn’t mean that everyone who matches the description will end up the same.”

N.S. to  @iMatti00  White kids don’t walk around brandishing facsimile guns. You want cops to hesitate from doing their jobs, so that black thugs can kill them. Am I insinuating that you’re racist scum? No, I’m saying it.

The White cop did an amazing thing. He shot the perp in the hand. That is so difficult to do. When White cops shoot black perps dead, black supremacists and their white allies routinely scream, “Why didn’t you shoot him in the hand or the leg?!” He ought to get a commendation.

As far as you’re concerned, the black perp is always right, and the righteous cop is always wrong.

10 days ago

“Let me get this straight. The kid is walking home from his cousins funeral, where he thought it made sense to bring a realistic looking gun....starts pointing at houses while in some fantasy world all by himself like an 8-year old, sees a cop and doesnt think to drop the gun IMMEDIATLY ??? Why do I have this feeling his cousin’s funeral was the result of being shot ? Someone needs to instill some common sense to some of these kids because its clearly lacking. If I had done this at 15 my dad wouldve whooped my ass to where i couldnt sit down for a week.”

N.S. to @miqallen6393 That won’t help, because he'll still be with his unfit mother, who thinks black boys have a right to wave guns on the street.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure he has "uncle ben" crump's business card in his pocket.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just came from the funeral with a fake gun. Who does that? Sounds to me the woman that called the event to the cops was a whitey woman.

The punk got good care from the cops. Those bodycams almost never show bad behavior on the part of the cops. Quite often the opposite.

I hate it when they use the word bro so freely.

Anonymous said...


(GRA)You're right,the cops give you every chance--even a dangerous blackie.Screw with them though(especially post-floyd),try to grab their taser or gun and your fambilee will be making a perfunctory call to "uncle ben" in the next few hours.

crump was in G.R. today for a meeting with the fambilee of the 25 year old thug who was run over by a cop last week,visions of a settlement ,dancing in their empty heads.

"We wants justice(money),"they said.

"Maybe,I'll just move my office here,y'all.Gots Lyoya and now this here one--whazzhiz name--Samuel Sterling?"

There was a meeting and presser,where 5 blacks,including crump,robert womack and the bereaved(drooling for money, blacks)let crump speak:
"This was unfathomable," he proclaimed.

"There are twelve letters in 'unfathomable'--a million for each letter,adds up to 12 million." (I'm imaging how crump's thinking--that's not his quote).

What's unfathomable is the black was wanted for felonies,disappeared from meeting with his parole officer for two years and still ran when the cops caught him fair and square.

They never learn.