Friday, April 26, 2024

An introduction to a nationwide, organized crime racket you will never have heard of from the msm, google, or the antiversity (video)

Re-posted by N.S.

I had to search and search for this video, even though I'd already watched it once, a few weeks ago. I punched in "false exonerations" both at google and duckduckgo, yet all they gave me were entries for "false convictions." Am I insinuating that the two aforementioned search engines are rigging results? No, I'm saying it! google and duckduckgo do not want readers to learn the truth about the false exoneration movement.

The main criminal gangs leading this movement are the "innocence projects" spread around the country, the most infamous of which is the so-called "innocence project" at northwestern university's Medill school of journalism in Evanston, illinois. This gang was founded by professor David Protess (1946-) in 1999. Due to the Protess scandal, northwestern fired Protess, while allowing him to "retire" (2011), and re-branded his gang the "Medill justice project."

Note that the "innocence projects" are only interessted in convicts who are guilty as hell.

Roberta Glass and "Nadia" maintain that these gangs keep going through the profit motive. The criminal court part does not earn them money, but it is inseparable from the civil court part, in which after they get killers' murder convictions overturned, they sue, in order to get the murderers and their lawyers windfalls to the tune of millions of dollars.

I was able to find this through the name Martin Preib, whose book Crooked City I'd bought a couple of years ago (but have yet to read more than a few pages of). I recently caught an interview by Roberta Glass of Preib, and so I found her through him.

4,706 views Premiered Jun 5, 2023
This is the first part of an interview Roberta gave her Ghislaine Maxwell trial buddy Nadia for her substack, "The Offbeat Effect."
Subscribe to "The Offbeat Effect" -
Correction: The Central Park Five wanted 100 million. Got 40 million.

[I have not been able to find Part II.]

"innocence fraud: when the guilty are rebranded as innocent: part 1"


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
I've read about some of these cases and seen them featured on tv programs. They seem focused mostly on getting negroes off more than Whites. There can be cases of people being falsely convicted, it's not like it never happens but from the cases I've heard about it does seem like the Whites might actually be innocent. The black criminals, the cases for their "innocence" usually sound real flimsy. They so desperately want to find black men innocent I don't think they give a damn if they really did it or not.

Anonymous said...

I use Duckduckgo because they say they don't track you--I never use Google. If anyone knows of a search engine which doesn't track you AND which is objective please let everyone know.

Anonymous said...

If by some chance,a black did not commit a particular murder,you can be sure...another black did.