thursday, november 30, 2023 at 10:34:05 p.m. est
He has a scary habit of winning such court cases.
Even though the elites love to mau-mau him.
“Not counting the crimes, crime is down.” Grand Rapids Anonymous
Friend, I'll make this quick: I wanted to make sure you saw Alec's email earlier today. There are precious moments left to make a difference this Giving Tuesday, and as Alec noted in his message below: there is far too much at stake if Trump is reelected next year. We deeply appreciate your support and advocacy in the months ahead. Svante Myrick ----[see Alec's email from earlier today below]---- Friend, It's Alec Baldwin, actor and proud board member of the People For the American Way for nearly 30 years. I wanted to take a moment to personally reach out and share why supporting People For the American Way on this Giving Tuesday – the global day of giving following the big post-Thanksgiving shopping holidays – is so crucial. You see, People For the American Way has been fighting the hard fight against right-wing extremists for more than 40 years. Since its founding in the 1980s, People For has played a leading role in exposing and confronting the Far Right as it attempts to erode or outright eliminate our fundamental rights and freedoms. And now, as we prepare to face off against emboldened MAGA conservatives in 2024, there's never been a better time to show your support for People For the American Way by making an urgently needed triple-matched gift to help power their campaigns in 2024 and beyond. >> Failure to successfully fight back against the MAGA movement in 2024 could be disastrous for our nation. Here's how:
But it doesn't have to be that way. People For has fought against these efforts for decades and will continue doing so with your support. By making a donation today you're joining a community of passionate individuals who are dedicated to protecting our democracy and creating positive change. Your contribution will help us continue our vital work in promoting progressive values, strengthening our democracy, defending civil liberties, and fighting against hate and discrimination. Remember, every dollar counts – especially when it's tripled! Together, we can create a brighter future for all Americans and defeat MAGA extremists. Thank you for your generosity and for supporting People For during this critical time. Sincerely, Alec Baldwin
"last year, a number equivalent to slightly more than 2 percent of the population of the netherlands immigrated into the country, while half that number emigrated. the former soviet union (excluding the ukraine) was the largest source of immigrants. a fifth of the immigrants sought asylum, and just under a third came for family reasons, meaning mostly for family reunification. only a third came to work. this means that an obligation to support a quarter of a million people has been created, at least for some time and possibly permanently, and a crisis of accommodation already exists in the netherlands, which such immigration can only deepen.
"it's likely that Wilders will not succeed in changing much. if he is to govern at all, it will be in a coalition, which will demand concessions from him. in modern europe, besides, governments propose, but bureaucracies, often to the left of them, dispose. Wilders will also have to contend with the european court of human rights, which will be anxious to clip his anti-islamic wings, not to mention the substantial proportion of the population that voted left rather than right.
"if, then, he fails to effect real change, the temperature on the right might rise.
"meantime, in dublin, the rumor that a man who stabbed three children and two adults outside a school was an algerian immigrant set off a riot in the city center, resulting in the burning of a bus, tram, and police cars. hooded young men, shouting slogans, used the opportunity to smash storefronts and loot sporting goods, in a kind of pale imitation of the Kristallnacht. it was the worst disorder seen in dublin for many a long year.
"what most alarmed me, other than the possibility of a resentful mob being one day wielded by a demagogue into a disciplined party, was the reaction of readers of the french conservative newspaper, le figaro, to its report of the disturbances in dublin. it was almost entirely favorable, with readers impressed that the irish did not stand for the kind of terrorism that the french so meekly accepted. no one (at least by the time I gave up reading the voluminous reader commentary) questioned how representative of the irish population the young thugs were, nor asked whether the rumor to which they were supposedly reacting was true, nor doubted the connection between what they were doing and their supposed political purpose.
"in france, the nervousness of the political class, its mistrust or fear of public reactions, has been revealed by the murder of a 16-year-old boy during a party at a village hall in the département de la drôme. about nine youths and young men, some with criminal records, descended on the party from a housing project 12 miles away and set about stabbing the partygoers. this brought to mind the events of october 7 in Israel. the authorities have so far been coy about the ethnic identity of the perpetrators, waiting for emotions to cool, hoping to avoid the conflict that they know lies not far below the surface of french society, even in la france profonde.
"the impotence of the political class in the face of the concerns and anxieties of so much of the european population makes fertile soil for the breeding of fascism."
N.S.: Nonsense. The cover-up tells you that the lynchers were moslems. The authorities covered up the terrorists' identities, not to let tempers cool, but because they support them, just like in "America."