Saturday, April 22, 2023

What black supremacists know

Re-posted by N.S.

This was in response to the story about the arrest of some black supremacists in florida for being russian agents, as covered by my long ago VDARE colleague, Steve Sailer.

By Achmed E. Newman
april 22, 2021

“black nationalists don’t care about wars with russia either way, as they don’t know anything about … anything. All the history they care about involves Black! people getting beat to death for harassing White women 70 years ago, having to sit in certain sections of city buses, having to drink from special water coolers, getting prevented by bankers from taking out risky loans, and being forced by economics to get up on time each morning and go to actual work.”

Achmed E. Newman’s blog, Peak Stupidity


Anonymous said...

In other words,"the good old days'.


Anonymous said...

“black nationalists don’t care about wars with russia either way, as they don’t know anything about … anything"

Correct. Just want to get paid and see USA go down the tubes. Even if they go down the tubes with it.

Anonymous said...


GRA:The negro mayor of Kansas City was interviewed--or rather,was fed leading questions--to allow him to go after Andrew Lester,the 84 year old White man who,last week,shot a black teen,who had pressed Lester's doorbell at 10 p.m. "mistakenly". Lester opened the door,saw the black teen in the dark--and shot him.

Lucas attacked Lester's fear of black men(lol),his fear of crime in the city and followed up by stating he was in favor of a life sentence for Lester--"and authorities were attempting to level MORE charges" against the 84 year old White man.

Lucas lied about crime rising and said Lester had no reason to fear a doorbell ring by a black at 10 p.m.(GRA:PLEEEEZE!)

Brennan asked a decent question(only one allowed per interview,I guess),by saying,"Can't someone have both an irrational fear of crime,combined with the fact that crime IS rising?"

"No," said Lucas,quickly correcting his first thought that,"It's possible."

Lucas then said he wanted the full weight of black law leveled on top of Lester's head--and for him to spend the rest of his life in prison.This is the black deterrent angle that Holt always espouses on "negro nightly news"--by airing stories which show Whitey being punished for standing up to blacks,the aim being to change White behavior into a totally benign one,while black crime goes unchecked under the auspices of mayors like Lucas.

Lucas HATES Whites--it's obvious to me on this interview--and to prove it,he wants to make an example of an 84 year old,who has seen this country at it's best(few blacks)and now at its worst.

In my opinion,he should serve zero time,IF he's even found guilty of any crime at all(and these days,with the media against him 100%,he probably will.)


Anonymous said...

By the way,"uncle ben" crump is already involved in this one.


Anonymous said...

That was from "Face the(commie)Nation" this morning--hosted by her highness,Margaret Brennan.