Thursday, April 06, 2023

san fran crime: more on White techie stabbed to death

By "W"
thu, apr 6, 2023 10:14 a.m.

san fran crime: more on White techie stabbed to death

He may not have been a Biden voter, though many Commentators think he was. But look at the photo he took with his wife and two girls before a subway entrance. Shouldn't that have told them something important?


Anonymous said...

Lee left San Francisco six months ago and moved to Miami, but was back in the city on business. He extended his trip by one day, and was murdered.


Anonymous said...

"Is the city taking stronger action??"

NO! And I doubt ever will. Too gone now. To take "stronger action" would be racist. And who would want to be seen as a racist.

Anonymous said...

CashApp is an extremely sleazy application that is used to finance a legion of crimes including drug trafficking and murder for hire. It was deliberately designed to lack many of the standard safety features that are used by reputable companies to prevent fraud and other crimes in the financial industry. It also charges exploitive fees.

I doubt the prominent individuals now loudly mourning poor old multi-millionaire Bob Lee had anything to say about the people murdered in gang hits that were financed via CashApp. Or the overdose victims from drugs bought using CashApp.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what kind of "business" he was doing at 2:30 AM in San Francisco?

Anonymous said...

>I wonder what kind of "business" he was doing at 2:30 AM in San Francisco?

This is a question of course, altho it should be possible to be safely out at that hour, and it is in many cities with different demographics (Tokyo anyone?).

As usual after a crime like this, there has been a lot of dumb speculation, including about him personally.

I'm a little surprised there has been no arrest yet, since like every big city SF no doubt has a cadre of detectives who are competent, know the crime scene, and can quickly identify the milieu and likely suspects.