Thursday, April 06, 2023

When sportswriting is reduced to affirmative action propaganda

By Nicholas Stix

Steve Sailer has posted a long blog item on a “thing” in the new york times by a lesbian activist “journalist” named Kate Fagan: “what would happen if women athletes got the mythology treatment they deserve?”

The double affirmative action nyt writer (female and lesbian), Kate Fagan, is stupid, and Steve is being ridiculous to try and squeeze some intelligent meditations out of her “thing.”

She’s asserting that sexism is to blame for the lack of interest in female sports. That’s equally stupid and dishonest. Men athletes are a million times better than females.

Kate Fagan’s lack of intelligence jumps at you right off the bat. She chooses two underwhelming photos. One is of Cassius Clay/Muhammad Ali standing over the prostrate Sonny Liston, the other of a crouching female basketball couch Pat Summit. If the aa2 writer were intelligent, she would have chosen vastly superior photos. Clay/Ali had just won a rigged bout, in which a phantom punch ko’d Liston in the first round. At least, there was some drama to the image of Clay standing over Liston. The pic of Summit is a big nothing. Apparently, Kate Fagan is such a lesbian chauvinist pig that just seeing a female coach crouching on the sideline sets her heart aflutter.

(Although Pat Summitt was not a lesbian, Infoplease presents her as having been one.)

The greatest sports photos are, to my mind, those of photo finishes in horse races, of two men basketball player opponents leaping simultaneously above the rim, or of a receiver stretching out for a spectacular catch, but no such images would support Kate Fagan’s narrative. Sports is about action, not watching a man stand over his opponent and bellow (we know not what) after the action is over, or a couch crouching on the sideline.

The Clay/Ali story is very interesting, but not in any way that Kate Fagan would want reported. Clay/Ali was a supremely gifted athlete and a sometimes charming man, but he was also a raging racist and a traitor. The myth of “Ali” was created by a conspiracy of combined silence and verbal misdirection among sportswriters and broadcasters, and even the U.S. Supreme Court.

Clay/Ali did not refuse to serve in the U.S. Armed Forces during the War in Vietnam out of any “religious” objections. His “religion” at the time, the Nation of Islam, is a black supremacist murder cult that is completely devoted to genocidal war—against White people.

Clay/Ali refused to serve America and spoke out in support of our Communist enemies on the orders of NOI leader Elijah Muhammad. Muhammad had done the same during WWII, which resulted in his serving a four-year prison term for sedition (1942-1946). That is the story that the media and the Supreme Court refused to discuss. If they had, most Americans would have held Clay/Ali in contempt, he would have served his five-year prison sentence, and his career and marketing/image machine would have crashed. Instead, the ruling class presented him as a man of conscience, and as America’s best face. Unfortunately, by Clay/Ali’s time, America’s ruling class was the people’s greatest enemy.

Here’s what Kate Fagan really wants:

• a “temporary” (read: eternal) ban on boys’ and men’s sports;

• unlimited funding for girls’ and ladies’ sports; and

• forcing females of all ages to participate in and watch female sports, and forcing boys and men of all ages to watch and otherwise support female sports.

Kate Fagan isn’t a sportswriter, she’s an unelected political officer. But that’s the way things have worked for a very long time at the new york times, whose gauleiter hate sports and sports fans.


Anonymous said...

It's the same reason "special olympics" isn't televised.What people WANT to watch are top male athletes--without the black attitude(of "ME great")compete fairly,see the results and proceed to the next sporting event--all while eating pizza and drinking a beverage or two.

Pretty simple really.


Anonymous said...

"The myth of “Ali” was created by a conspiracy of combined silence and verbal misdirection among sportswriters"

Howard Cosell foremost among those sports writers.

Anonymous said...

Sailer is basically another glib Internet Windbag with inconsistent values and a predictably large following of sycophants. -RM

Nicholas said...

Cosell: Excellent point. He's yet another media figure whose influence I'm going to have to re-think.

Anonymous said...

>Steve is being ridiculous

Really?! -- first time for everything I guess -- LOL.

>Sailer is basically another glib Internet Windbag with inconsistent values

He also solicits donations to fund his windbaggery, which makes him a grifter too.

The most 'inconsistent' of his 'values' is this: he writes all the time about what are clearly irremediable human differences and what a disaster 'diversity' is for society (of course it is especially disastrous for Whites), yet he's a civic nationalist, what he calls an 'anti-racist citizenist':
"Caldwell offers cold comfort to anti-racist citizenist conservatives like myself: ..."

He doesn't even have the guts to call himself a civic nationalist because he's aware that this term and its meaning, as well as how disastrous it is proving to be for Whites and their nations, is more widely known, and so he invents 'citizenist' -- but don't be fooled, he's a run of the mill conservatard Rodney King 'why can't we all just get along' civic nationalist.

>a predictably large following of sycophants

Believe me, plenty of people saw through him years ago.

>He's yet another media figure whose influence I'm going to have to re-think.

Better late than never.