Sunday, April 02, 2023

On the totalitarian tedium of "gay"

By An Old Friend
sun, apr 2, 2023 5:33 p.m.

On the totalitarian tedium of "gay"

Tal Bachman is a musician (son of Randy Bachman of Bachman-Turner Overdrive) who's part of Mark Steyn's entourage.  He writes an occasional piece to appear at Steyn's website, such as the excellent one below.

Below Bachman's essay I've pasted the comment I added online.  (Such comments can only be made, and viewed, by members of the Mark Steyn Club.)

Why Does Everyone Have to be Gay All the Time?

by Tal Bachman
April 2, 2023

Inline image


My posted comment:

Charlton Heston, speaking at the Harvard Law School in 1999: "If you accept but don't celebrate homosexuality, it does not make you a homophobe." (You can still find the video and transcript online.)
An obvious hater, that man!
I'm not hostile to homosexuals, per se. But I **am** completely hostile to **political** homosexuality, the insistence that we pay attention to homosexuals and go gaga over them. That's what George F. Kennan, the wise man of American diplomacy in the mid 20th Century, characterized as "...the weird efforts to claim for homosexuality the status of a proud, noble, and promising way of life, ..."
Yes, "pride." Why be proud to be a homosexual? Or black? Or white? Or a woman? Or a man? Pride is something I associate with accomplishment, not mere existence.
There's also the ruination of the previously useful word "gay," a point made by Isaac Asimov. That the ruination is essentially complete is exemplified by an experience I had in Los Angeles in the late 1990s: I met a woman of Chinese lineage who'd immigrated from Malaysia in about 1985, and she didn't know that "gay" had any meaning apart from "homosexual"!


Anonymous said...

It all started with the argument that people [gays] wanted protection from being fired from the their job or being evicted from their apartment. But it has become way beyond that now. Gays have always been around, but as long as they kept to themselves they might be snickered at but that was about all.

Nicholas said...

Actually, it all started with the demand that homosexuals have a "right" to engage in public sex acts in a saloon, and to be in the company of underaged boys being served alcohol in said saloon.

Anonymous said...

I have socialized with famous homosexual architects, eaten meals and gone to movies with lesbians. What they do together is their business, but I despise the movement to put it in everyone's faces, groom kids, and make themselves a protected class. Do what you want to each other, but keep it private.

Anonymous said...

I had very little problem with them until they started adopting and raising kids.Seeing two guys kiss each other every day,will pervert any young mind.You're influenced by what you see and no kids need to see that



Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Gay rights has become the primary cause for many celebrities because it's an issue that gives them validation as activists of some kind. It's simple and easy to jump up and scream about gay rights, even though gays aren't being discriminated against, but confusing and too complicated for them to grapple with real issues.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
I do have a question: Whatever happened to the argument about whether homosexuality is innate or learned? Even people who won't bow down to the gay agenda don't bring it up. But isn't that the crux of whatever differences we have? If homosexuality is environmental then children are potentially vulnerable to gay propaganda but nobody ever puts it that way. I recall decades ago it was a debate that came up on talk shows and other forums but nowadays, you never hear anything about it.

Anonymous said...

"And everyone must instantly erupt in wild, pro-gay cheering whenever our overlords command, just like north korean peasants when Kim Jong-Un shows up for a public appearance."

Exactly. The totalitarian mind set. You must not only be the dog and eat the dog food but loudly announce to the whole world how much you lover the dog food.

Anonymous said...

"Actually, it all started with the demand that homosexuals have a "right" to engage in public sex acts in a saloon, and to be in the company of underaged boys being served alcohol in said saloon."

Stonewall?? A gay bar run by the mafia.

Of course before there were gay bars they had the wash rooms of department stores. That was a popular venue for "activities".