Friday, April 14, 2023

More on black supremacist St. Louis circuit county “prosecutor,” Kim Gardner

[“A patriot lawyer reports that the racist black da who prosecuted the McCloskeys is facing removal after dismissing thousands of cases against black criminals.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
thursday, april 13, 2023 at 9:33:00 p.m. edt

Replaced by who? Will the new da actually target black crime? It may be one guy against the world down there.

A nig replacement, I’ll guess.


By Anonymous

“Thousands of criminal cases have apparently been dismissed.”

Whether that’s necessarily a bad thing or not depends on what the cases involve.

But this seems to be the case that finally triggered the mo ag to seek her removal:

“Teen athlete loses legs; St. Louis prosecutor under scrutiny”

A black felon out on bond hit a young, female volleyball player who later lost both legs:

Imagine going to play in an out-of-state volleyball tournament, must have been exciting, something to look forward to, and then going home without your legs. Horrible does not begin to describe it, and I hope her family files a HUGE lawsuit against St. Louis, et al.

By Anonymous
friday, april 14, 2023 at 2:27:00 a.m. edt

Like any locale full of and largely run by n-----s, St. Louis is crime-ridden and dysfunctional:

From abc news:

“Gardner said Thursday that her office had verbally asked three times for Riley’s bond to be revoked, but a judge either denied or ignored the requests.

“‘While it is true my office could have done more, to say we did nothing is only disingenuous (and) is willfully ignorant of the reality of our court system,’ Gardner said during a Thursday press conference interrupted by cheers from supporters.”

But no society can really be expect to be functional when faced with so much behavior that’s incompatible with civilization. With blacks running the show, it will be that much worse.

From Vdare:

“Yet another reason to read”

I don’t see how that follows, but OK.

By Anonymous
friday, april 14, 2023 at 6:40:00 a.m. edt

Just doing what a whitey prosecutor wouldn’t do.

By Eahilf
friday, april 14, 2023 at 9:58:00 a.m. edt

Another case that’s relevant here for two reasons: 1) It shows a judge can reject a plea deal, and 2) see text below.

“the case took almost three years to work its way through the courts. judge Michael Noble stated in court yesterday that at one point in the process he told prosecutors they weren’t taking the case ‘seriously enough’ given that there was a death involved. the St. Louis circuit attorney’s office had worked out a plea deal with Carter’s public defender for him to get a 9 or 10 year sentence, but judge Noble rejected it. The case went to trial at the end of February and on March 1 a jury found Carter guilty.”

judge Noble is a based black guy:

By Jerry PDX
friday, april 14, 2023 at 11:48:00 a.m. edt

Kim Gardner plays the race card to defend herself:

Seems to me she’s actually done exactly what she was put into office to do, which is keep black men out of prison and on the streets where they can rob, rape, and assault Whites.

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
friday, april 14, 2023 at 5:20:00 p.m. edt

And Whites don’t see nor care what’s going on. Not “seeing,” btw., is the same as not wanting to see. Media has pounded this into the younger Whites—“accept the black/mex takeover—you racist pieces of White crap.”

And they have.

Those that weren’t around in the 1980s and 1990s are oblivious to what the USA used to be like.

The insanity is NORMAL to them.

Not to me.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How many negress prosecutors named "Kim" are there?You can make it a drinking game--if you guess the last name before looking it up--grab a beer(but not Bud).Let's see,there's the one in Chicago.Wayne county(spelled wrong/differently).Might be it,might not.


Hopefully,you're still sober because you failed to get the answers right.