Tuesday, April 04, 2023

More crime, please! la county floats “decarceration” plan to give colored criminals free crimes

By Bill Jones

“Meanwhile, coming near a city near [Leonardo] Dicrapio, los angeles has learned from el salvador’s recent Gangster Treatment Regime.”

Siddall said that under the proposal, the police would be under orders to cite and release suspects accused of illegally carrying firearms, domestic violence, possession of child porn, residential burglary, robbery, or assault with a firearm.

Activists in los angeles called for the closure of the men’s central jail in the downtown area of the city last week, protesting near the los angeles county board of supervisors on thursday morning, according to ktla.

They demanded that the Board of Supervisors commit to a closure timeline that would shutter the jail by March 2025. The protests came after it was reported that three inmates in L.A. died over the course of one week, including one in the Men’s Central Jail. -Fox News

“Meanwhile, nowhere in the Board’s agenda is any discussion of how to ‘protect the community from violent criminals.’

‘This catch-and-release program comes without any plan or infrastructure to protect the community from violent criminals apprehended by law enforcement. Further, it creates no lockdown facilities for the mentally ill. This program benefits no one, except for career criminals. We need to make sure the most dangerous offenders don’t get out, that first-time offenders don’t come back and that those with serious mental illnesses get appropriate care and help. This does none of that,’ he said.”



Anonymous said...

Either another example of California leftist stupidity or insanity--or is it part of a deliberate plan?

Nicholas said...

It's a deliberate plan, just like it was in new york state and city.

Anonymous said...

The rubber band is being stretched about as far as it can go.Two things happen at that point and one of them is not recommended.


Anonymous said...

Prisons in jail in the USA generally speaking, you’re very bad places. You have a concentrated mass of bad in one location, so you can always expect her to be more bad, and don’t think that the guards in the prison gonna be able to stop the nonsense either not even close.

Anonymous said...

SHUTTER the jail. Just not realise but close forever??

Anonymous said...

>introduced by Democrat supervisors Lindsey Horvath and Hilda Solis


[She graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 2004 cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts in political science and gender studies.]

Another midwit product of junk academia.

Solis could be described as a professional Hispanic, and can be seen as acting in the interest of her co-ethnics, since I imagine a big majority of people who will be affected by this proposed policy are Hispanics.