Friday, April 14, 2023

Mike Pence Gets Booed at nra Convention in indiana (VIDEO)

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
fri, apr 14, 2023 10:47 p.m.

Mike Pence Gets Booed at nra Convention in indiana (VIDEO)


Anonymous said...

They didn't blow up any cows down there to protest Pence--did they?This could be a moo-vement of some type,where cattle are used as detonating devices to kill the opposition.Who would suspect a cow,as a politician appears at a 4H event with farm animals and the next thing you know...a cowplosion.

Don't be surprised.You heard it here first.


Anonymous said...

Should be booed everywhere. Another charisma-less GOP loser. Total milquetoast dork. Bob Dole 2.0.

Anonymous said...

Trump will give keynote speech after 7 hours of testimony.

Trump Answers Questions For 7 Hours During Deposition in Legal Battle with NY AG Letitia James.

GRA:These are leaked transcripts of the deposition:

James:Is the microphone attached to the tape recorder on?No?Come on,we gotta get this White privileged,racist,cracka strung up.Whattaya mean it WAS on?

Trump:I heard that--and so will my lawyers,Le-tit-ia.

James:That's Le-tish-ia.

Trump:Sure it is.If it was Le-tish-ia,it'd be spelled that way--Le-tit-ia

James:Are you making fun of my black name?

Trump:You're quick as a whip aren't you?
Any slower and you'd be Maxine Waters.

James:Was the mike on then?

Court assistant:No ma'am.

James:We're gonna stay here for 7 hours until this lying cracka says something racist ON TAPE.Now turn the mike on.

Court assistant:It's BEEN on since,"no ma'am".

James:You're shi*ting me.

Trump:You've said enough here to have the entire case thrown out,Le-tit-ya.

James:I need a break.

Trump:Typical black--a break every 5 minutes.

James:Was the mike on for THAT?

Court assistant:No ma'am.

James:Why is it,everytime I say something racist,the mike is on,but not when HE says it?

Court assistant:Because you're an incompetent black?And no,the tape wasn't on for me either.

James:The deposition is done, Mr.Trump.