Friday, April 14, 2023

russians take note of Musk's declaration against trans-evil bs for minors

By “W”
fri, apr 14, 2023 5:12 p.m.

russians take note of Musk's declaration against trans-evil bs for minors


Anonymous said...

It's just b.s.--period.


Anonymous said...

YES. Doing that to a minor has to be a crime. Doctor Mengele would be proud of doctors that do that kinda stuff.

Anonymous said...

No matter who takes note we can all be in agreement that Elonis correct!

Anonymous said...

DemonRats in the Washington State Legislature just passed a bill that will allow the state to kidnap children against the will of their parents in order for the little Dr. Mengeles to change their sex. This is a horrible crime as a high percentage of those undergoing trans procedures later realize that it was a mistake and want to be their true, born sex--too late. Apparently the bill--which will no doubt be signed by the tyrant Jay Inslee--makes it criminal for the parents to resist this tampering with their children. Will Washington parents wake up and fight this criminal act, or are they such brainwashed little leftists that they will meekly accept it?