Friday, April 14, 2023

"diversity" at historically black colleges and universities? -- hah! [brief]

By An Old Friend
fri, apr 14, 2023 6:30 p.m.

"diversity" at historically black colleges and universities? -- hah! [brief]

It's rare to see a fatuous idea exploded more decisively.  As I wrote to author Scott Yenor, a poly sci prof at boise state u in idaho, I envy him for having thought to tackle this point and to then have written this brief piece.

But I do wonder about one passage in Yenor's article:

hbcus achieve real diversity by packing campuses with minorities, training them to approach American society with an attitude of grievance, and excluding White males and wrong-thinkers from campus. 

Is it really the case that hbcus make White males (especially) feel unwelcome?  I haven't heard that.  

Also, are they heavily into emphasis on grievance?  I've had the impression that they're actually places to be serious about one's studies. As a result, their grads come out better prepared to be competitive in law schools and stem graduate schools than  the affirmative-action admits from non-hbcus.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
If you challenge them on their hypocritical lack of diversity they'll simply respond with: It's OK for us because it's compensation for historical and current lack of opportunity and representation for blacks in regular universities. Of course it doesn't matter that blacks aren't being denied any opportunity and are plenty represented but that's what they'll say.

Anonymous said...

black colleges--by themselves--should be all the diversity this country colleges,I can safely assume,will not teach pro-White history,as White colleges teach pro-black,anti-White history(and go out on field trips to destroy statues of it).
In the meantime,let's have an uncivil war.


Anonymous said...

Out of about 2,000 students "traditionally" negro Morehouse [M. L. KKKing alma mater] has FOUR students who identify as white. Seriously, I have to wonder what whitey would even want to attend the school. A serious education I doubt even exists there?

Anonymous said...

Needs a real job.

Anonymous said...

This Scott going to be in the cross hairs and will become a pariah among his colleagues. "your attitude is noticed. OH YES it is noticed!"