Wednesday, April 05, 2023

Can President Trump get a fair trial in manhattan?

By David in TN
wednesday, april 5, 2023 at 10:21:00 a.m. edt

Daniel Greenfield wrote in Frontpage Mag, "Can Trump get a fair trial in manhattan?"

"Not only did Trump lose manhattan by 84% to 14%, but, unlike other city boroughs, he has no base of support here. The white working class voters who came out for him on staten island and the Orthodox and russian Jews who voted for him in brooklyn can't afford to live here."

"The Manhattan of 2023 is rigidly divided between ultra-rich liberals, aspirational millennial hipsters and welfare class residents of housing projects. While Trump improved on his overall numbers in new york city, there's no base for him in manhattan where only the wealthy or poor can survive. Trump hit some of his best numbers around the lower east side, with a small remnant working class Jewish community and chinatown, which has seen a backlash against democrats in recent years, but that still meant precincts voting for him in the low 30s."

"I know manhattan like no other place on earth. I have walked from the battery all the way up to the George Washington bridge. I can tell you where to get the best bagels and used books, where to find the hideaways in central park that can make you feel like you're in the woods and the fastest way to get anywhere by subway. I've sat at grungy theaters so far off broadway that they might have been in the east river and at private clubs whose walls were filled with paintings that museums would kill for. There are many things that can still happen amid the walls of glass and steel, gracious hidden gardens, uptown brownstones and museums, housing projects and street life, but I can tell you a fair trial for Donald Trump is not one of them."


Anonymous said...

Stay in Florida.If you plan to continue a run for POTUS,do not attempt to win this court case--stay out of New York--unless you prefer having your breakfast with prison guards who hung Epstein.


Anonymous said...

They especially want to get a lot of blacks on the jury. They will not [cannot] understand the nuances of bidness transactions and bookkeeping. That will be stuff way over their heads. They will vote to convict just to see whitey humbled. And do so with a malicious delight. Fair trial no way.

Anonymous said...

Obviously Trump needs to get a change of venue away from the crooked prosecutor, and biased judge and jurors. From what I am reading, there is no case--no crime--according to a famous liberal law professor. If he can get this before a real judge he should be able to get the case dismissed.