Wednesday, April 12, 2023

susan rice tells us how much discrimination against blacks has cost

By “W”

wed, apr 12, 2023 9:02 p.m.

susan rice tells us how much discrimination against blacks has cost

what do you think?

N.S.: Well, since Elon Musk permablocked me five weeks ago, I can't read Rice. However, I know that she's a black supremacist liar, so I don't need to read her. Any sum she pulled out of her butt would be purest fiction.

Another thing I know is that in 1964, black racial privilege was institutionalized.

And then, what black supremacists and White "allies" today call "discrimination" against blacks in the past consisted of refusing to give jobs requiring a 100 IQ to people with an 85 IQ, not to mention with a low VQ. It also consisted of refusing to give black deadbeats and criminals bank loans.


Anonymous said...

16 trill is the number she mentions

I say,that's what blacks owe Whites for supporting the stupid coons all these years--with our tax dollars--but also robbery,shoplifting and damage to the houses blacks live in.One time after I got a black crew evicted,the landlord told me,he had to pile in $8000 to fix up 3 months of black house infestation
He said it wasn't worth it.

Of course,he was right.

Anonymous said...

Susan her son can pass for white.

Anonymous said...

If you calculate all the welfare in all forms as dished out for decades that must be a tidy sum. Perhaps the Rice girl is at least ball-park with her figures.