Wednesday, April 19, 2023

black woman's disgusted tour of a trashed and looted walmart [~2 minutes]

By An Old Friend
wed, apr 19, 2023 11:34 p.m.

black woman's disgusted tour of a trashed and looted walmart [~2 minutes]

Some of the tweets below say the video isn't current and isn't even chicago.  This hardly matters ...


Anonymous said...

blacks do that(show regret) about murders as well.A black will kill someone,then other blacks complain to the press that,"We gots to stop this."

Vigils etc.follow.
Next day--more murder.

negroes NEVER mention that a black--maybe even someone they know--pulled the trigger.They separate "black" and crime,as if they can't admit to themselves THEY are their own worst enemy.
And the thing is,they're all capable of murdering someone,on any given day.But by latching on to "black law",none of this can change.They must accept tough law and order to change the chaos in the ghettos.


Anonymous said...

I believe this was during either the pandemic or "floyd giveaway"(riots).They tore the place apart.


Anonymous said...

Too late now lady. Way too late. That is now standard procedure for your folks. And they are messy. Biggest bunch of litterers around.