Tuesday, April 18, 2023

another name retailer closing its portland, oregon store

By “W”
tue, apr 18, 2023 11:51 a.m.

another name retailer closing its portland, oregon store

due to high crime. shame on those those amish youths:



Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
I was in Goodwill the other day and a black shoplifter was caught. Being caught shoplifting in Portland means you are simply shooed out the door and told to not come back. This one let loose a torrent of racial slurs toward the White security guard as he was being "escorted" out. krakka, peckerwood, redneck, honky ass m*%$er... everything he could think of, which was plenty.

I worked retail in the 80's and we didn't have regular security guards in those days, the male employees were the security. When we heard certain codes we knew to converge on the exits to stop shoplifters, if they got out the doors we could pursue and apprehend to the parking lot, though not beyond that. Shoplifters were taken in back and often searched while waiting for police, they were not treated with kid gloves though we didn't beat on them, even if we had an occasional tussle. Nowadays, you're not allowed to touch a shoplifter or even speak a cross word to them because you might hurt their feelings. I don't even think police respond to regular shoplifting incidents unless guns are drawn or there is a serious physical altercation and it's consider to petty a crime to bother pursuing in the courts. Basically, there is no deterrent thanks to a long line of far left liberal mayors and city counselors.

Their reign of terror has resulted in all this:

Former mayor Hales declared it was unconstitutional for the city to enforce no camping ordnances which caused an explosion in homelessness. Some will say the homeless were already there, just out of sight, but that's not completely true. Word got out that Portland was one of those cities that let you sleep where you please and more homeless moved here. Not only that, an expansion of services also contributed to Portland's reputation as a great place to be homeless.

Little known fact is that bounty hunters are not allowed to operate in Oregon, which causes a regular influx of criminals into the state, especially Portland, because they don't have to worry about for profit law enforcement people. Sex criminals are particularly know for moving to Portland for that reason.

Recently, police had to completely disband it's gang enforcement team and destroy all records of gang affiliations because it stereotyped black men and had long lasting impacts on their futures. Yeah right, all those future Rhodes scholars.

Court system has been defunded to the point that there is no money for public defenders resulting in regular releases of 100's of criminals who have been arrested. They pick the lower level offenses and try to prosecute the more serious crimes but that means shoplifters and their ilk don't get prosecuted for their crimes.

Police are now supposed to follow quota system for traffic stops, which means 94% of all their stops must be White people, not black ones who commit 60% of the murders and are highly overrepresented in every crime category.

Just a few off the top of my head, there's more but I'm running out of time. I see no solutions in the future, Portland voters continue to vote the same far left ideologues into office over and over with no thought of the consequences.

Anonymous said...

Businesses are supposed to suck it up in a woke economy,unless...they're NOT REALLY WOKE.

By moving,one would have give off that impression.

Anonymous said...

By moving,the stores are giving off the fine aroma of not being woke--no matter what they say.

Actions,baby,speak louder.


Anonymous said...

Are there any conservatives that even run in PDX?They probably consider it a waste of time and/or money.


Anonymous said...

Great recap of "How to Ruin Your City".


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Portland elected the first Republican city councilperson in decades. Her name is Carmen Rubio, she is deeply involved in latino issues and she supports inclusiveness and diversity in government and the city. That's what passes for a conservative in Portland.

Anonymous said...

"Are there any conservatives that even run in PDX? They probably consider it a waste of time and/or money."

Mayor Wheeler had an opponent. But she was a self identified communist. Good luck with that one.

The Republicans run a candidate in Chicago every year for the mayoral office. If you do not you have next time get the pre-requisite 50,000 signatures all over again. No chance of winning and never will be an expedient for the next election.

Anonymous said...

Right,in Chicago,Baltimore etc,you have the nigocrats and the niglicans--both candidates black.This year,Whitey had a chance as a Whitocrat,but Chicago isn't about to "go back" after "going black" for mayor in 2018.