Thursday, January 12, 2023

Who is “Scaffold Commander” (Videos)

By N.S.

Darren J. Beattie, editor-publisher of Revolver News

“‘Scaffold Commander’ Incites Violence and Agitates Crowd on 1/6 Capitol Trespass”

By Misterem
Jun 12, 2022

“What a pathetic, obvious and unconvincing performance. Who is in charge of ‘covert domestic false-flag operations’ over there at the FBI? Jussie Smollett?”


Anonymous said...

Correct the guy is so obvious you would reasonably think he is some sort of agent provocateur a government man

Anonymous said...

His words two are not protected speech where is the first amendment that is incitement the words in the action by Supreme Court standard have to be more or less One and the same Trump was not inciting his words were not one in the same is with the Ryan Don also said go and protest peacefully damage