Sunday, January 15, 2023

houston taqueria customer who killed masked robber breaks silence

By A Texas Reader
sun, jan 15, 2023 1:42 p.m.

houston taqueria customer who killed masked robber breaks silence

Wanna bet the shooter is a “White hispanic” from venezuela or some other latin s--thole?

An attorney representing the 46-year-old shooter said that the shooting was justified. 


Anonymous said...

That's the oldest looking 46 year old since Jack Benny said he was 39-- 30 years after he actually WAS 39.


Anonymous said...

Probably legally justified but the shooter will still be put through the ringer in the civil suit

Anonymous said...

>the shooter was dining with a friend

'dining' -- lol

>the state of mind of the shooter following the incident

meaning why he left the scene after killing someone, when it's obvious he really should have stayed -- he'll have some questions to answer about that

>civil suit

the texas legislature should pass a law barring a civil suit in circumstances where the victim was apparently armed and committing a felony, the shooter was acting out of genuine or reasonable fear for his own life or the lives of others, and the shooting either did not result in charges being filed or charges were filed but the shooting was not found to be criminally liable (there was an acquittal).