Thursday, January 05, 2023

a border patrol agent was shot multiple times in the chest by a person in a suspected smuggling vehicle

By A Texas Reader
thu, jan 5, 2023 9:16 p.m.

LORDSBURG, new mexico (kvia) -- a border patrol agent was shot multiple times in the chest by a person in a suspected smuggling vehicle, according to u.s. border patrol officials. the agent, wearing his body armor, was medically examined and released.

"border patrol agent shot multiple times in chest; manages to return fire at suspected smuggling car - kvia

"officials say the agent was able to return fire as the suspect's [sic] vehicle got away. the incident happened thursday around 11:25 a.m. the agent is assigned to the lordsburg, new mexico station."


Anonymous said...

When are they going to drop the "New" in New Mexico?


Anonymous said...

Send us your huddled masses just yearning to be free sure that is what it is that guys only alive because of that vest