Thursday, January 05, 2023

"amazon announces massive, unprecedented layoffs, citing 'uncertain economy'"

By R.C.
thu, jan 5, 2023 11:10 p.m.

"amazon announces massive, unprecedented layoffs, citing 'uncertain economy'"

I received a flyer today from whole foods, a division of amazon.

The flyer had 3 coupons attached to it.

Two coupons were for $10 off $50 purchase.

The third coupon was for $20 off $100 purchase.

In other words, all coupons are good for a 20 percent discount.

Things must be bad for Amazon if it is discounting food during a time of food shortages and rising inflation.


Anonymous said...

Or that crap they sell is STILL overpriced with the 20% discount.


Anonymous said...

When has there ever been a time when the business executives set a good business is certain?

Sort of like the people are trading stocks whenever they say this is a good time to be in the market?