Sunday, November 27, 2022

was a dusky juvenile responsible for "threats" to black schools?

By "W"
sun, nov 27, 2022 10:44 a.m.

was a dusky juvenile responsible for "threats" to black schools?

If it had been a white kid, I am sure they would have broadcast that to the world:


Bradley Morris said...

The perp is black. If not, you'd know his name, all relatives, address, age, date of birth, favorite foods, favorite colors, hobbies, all his friend's names.

Anonymous said...

The only threats to black schools are the blacks in them.


Anonymous said...

YEP to all the above. And they are trying to do "something" to bring the perp to justice. He is a colored kid undoubtedly. Thinks it is all a prank of some sort. He will be said to have "issues".