Friday, November 11, 2022

the steal is on, in arizona (graphic)

Re-posted by N.S.

My old VDARE colleague Steve Sailer explained the vote-counting delay: the disinvention of the computer.


Anonymous said...

They're using "negro computers"--which are programmed to count inaccurately and then lie about it afterwards.


Anonymous said...

Unmentioned In Post-Midterm Mayhem, GOP Consultants’ Diversity Push Didn’t Pay Off

GRA:That's the VDare headline--their lead story.All I can say is,pushing black Republicans to face off against White,liberal Democrats will get you a losing GOP hand everytime.My guess is--and I say this from personal experience--that forcing White,Republicans to vote for a spade is very repulsive.For the first time in my life I did not vote.I'm not happy about it,but I didn't feel I had a choice.

The candidates for my local election were black,John Gibbs and liberal Hillary Scholten.I could not vote for either of them--so took myself out of the voting process--a small protest of sorts.

You can almost see what's happening in Georgia take place everywhere:
blacks vs blacks running for office--pushed by both parties to look "racist free".

This is getting insane.


Anonymous said...

They said they had to count the "late" EARLY ballots. What the hell is a late EARLY ballot.