Monday, November 07, 2022

Has the national crime victimization survey (ncvs) been corrupted like other crime statistics sources?

By N.S.

Steve Sailer, today:

“I apologize for rambling on on about crime statistics, but interest in them is high at the moment, and I do know more on this momentarily fashionable subject than other pundits.”

Steve Sailer, 2020:
“But the CDC reports that black homicide deaths were 43% higher in 2021 than in 2019. How to reconcile that amazing statistic with the National Criminal [sic] Victimization Survey finding no increase in lesser violent victimizations among their respondents?”
Mona Charen, now:
“Other than murder, violent crime is not up.”
It may theoretically be possible for murder to go up, while violent crime is generally flat, but it’s a practical impossibility, and requires all sorts of explanation (that all sorts of other categories went down, and how and why), which Mona Charen isn’t giving.

Murder is the king of crime; when it goes up, all sorts of other crimes also rise. Part of that is because murderers (60.4% of whom last year, Steve Sailer reported, were black) often commit murder in conjunction with other violent crimes (kidnapping, robbery, burglary, rape, carjacking), and part because explosions in murder are a part of general chaos.

Politicians, including police chiefs, have been playing this game for years, especially in chicago, but also in detroit and new york. It's garbage.

When I was a young liberal, I thought Mona Charen was an imbecile. Years later, after shifting more to the right, I still think she’s an imbecile. Note, too, that she now works for Bill Kristol at the bulwark, which only exists to make political mischief.

However, that brings us to the national crime victimization survey (ncvs). Once the fbi’s uniform crime reports (ucrs) were corrupted, due to police chiefs like Bill Bratton’s corruption of crime statistics during the early 1990s, the ncvs became the gold standard. Now, there may no longer be a standard.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Speaking of crime...remains of 24 yr. old Alexis Gabe were identified by dental records. She had been missing since Jan. 26th. Authorities say her ex-boyfriend, 27-year-old Marshall Curtis Jones, murdered her at his home before scattering her remains in a rural area.

Jones was killed by police when he charged at them with a knife.

Ms. Gabe looks a little racially indeterminate but there's nothing ambiguous about Mr. Jones race.

Pretty girl, one has to wonder what she saw in the likes of Mr. Jones. Isn't there a book called "Smart women, dumb choices (in men)"?

At least he saved White taxpayers room and board for 50 yrs. or so.

Anonymous said...

There is one anecdotal way I use to tell if crime is higher or lower for a given period of time:how many cop cars go flying down the street--past my house--with flashers and sirens blaring as if war had broken out.The answer is,a few times a night--compared to the pre-black invasion era when you never heard sirens.Those were the days when cops had so much time,they'd do "traffic stops",where two or three police vehicles would park under an overpass and wave you over to check your license,insurance,windshield wipers,turn signals and send you on your way--if everything was okay.

Those days are long gone,because blacks would ALL get citations and probably arrested,for outstanding warrants--so the stops would be deemed "racist."

No--very accurate


David In TN said...

Mona "I'm squishy soft on immigration" Charen says "Murder is Up and Crime is Down."

In the 1990s NY Times writer Fox Butterfield asked/declared, "Why are so many people in prison when crime is down?" Answer: Putting criminals in prison caused crime to go down.

Anonymous said...

More blacks died in the last seven months of 2020 by shooting one another at increased levels of violence than in the fifty years of blacks being lynching combined. Ya'll.