Thursday, October 20, 2022

"Zelensky meets with Goldman Sachs to ask for help ‘counteracting misinformation’ and beg for more money"

By R.C.
thu, oct 20, 2022 10:47 p.m.

"Zelensky meets with Goldman Sachs to ask for help ‘counteracting misinformation’ and beg for more money"


Anonymous said...

jerry pdxs
What's this nation coming to when Muslim's are the ones standing up to leftist sex perverts grooming our kids in school?|22395438|Muslim%20Parents%20in%20Michigan%20Protest%20Sexually%20Explicit%20Books%20in%20Schools|

Why isn't it mostly White parents behind this fight? Just how much have they been wimpified?

Anonymous said...

Either that or networks aren't reporting it--you don't know.That's why I always suggested mass protests and takeovers of TV stations--local and national.



Anonymous said...

NEVER enough money. And NEVER will be enough money. An endless bottomless pit.