Tuesday, October 25, 2022

nyc court orders all city employees fired for being unvaccinated be reinstated with back pay

By R.C.
tue, oct 25, 2022 3:33 p.m.

"ny state supreme court orders all employees fired for being unvaccinated be reinstated with back pay"

N.S.: The headline is highly misleading. In new york, the "supreme court" isn't supreme. The highest court in the state is the new york state court of appeals. Thus, the city could appeal the decision.



Anonymous said...

There should be damages as well,for illegal termination--which they're admitting--in giving the backpay.


Anonymous said...

None of them should bother to go back to work. The city treated them badly and don't let them try to pull a fast one on you again. Back pay with interest and all seniority hardly makes up for the ill will as has been generated.