Wednesday, October 26, 2022

The saying was, "live fast, die young, and have a good-looking corpse," but these car thieves left some mangled corpses!

By R.C.
tue, oct 25, 2022 4:26 p.m.

five of the vehicle's six occupants were ejected through the glass roof of the vehicle, which hit a wall after traveling at what investigators believe was "excessive speed," police commissioner Joseph Gramaglia said.

[N.S.: That was Nick Romano in the Bogey vehicle, Knock on Any Door.]


Anonymous said...

Not so much the "good looking corpse part"--unless you like the sight of broasted nig*er.


Anonymous said...

And the driver and probably thief survived but the others did not. Anyone strapped in? Probably not. And of course Kia with their ignition system is to blame. Sure.

Bradley Morris said...

This from the district attorney:

"It's an extremely sad morning in the City of Buffalo when you lose four young lives in a horrific accident like this," Erie County District Attorney Flynn said.

What's sad about it? Better they get killed now, before they graduate to more serious, violent crime. If they haven't already.

Anonymous said...

They not only steal the car but then speed and drive wildly. Endangering everyone along the way. This survivor needs some really serious jail time. Decades in prison hopefully.

Anonymous said...

One of those killed in the crash was a 14 year old mother. Great family values.