Thursday, October 06, 2022

Woke Capture at the University of Tennessee

James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal <>
Wed, Oct 5, 2022 8:40 a.m.

Woke Capture at the University of Tennessee Clarion Call (10-5-22) ​​​​​​Woke Capture at the University of Tennessee

by George Leef

It's by now a commonplace story: State universities in "red" states, where most of the voters and legislators dislike progressive ideology, are being infiltrated by administrators and faculty who insist on implementing radically leftist policies and courses. Earlier this year, for example, the Martin Center published an article by Jonathan Small on the ways that "wokeness" was gaining a foothold at the University of Oklahoma.

Another state where this battle is being waged is Tennessee.

The ideological skirmishing began back in 2016, as detailed in the Tennessean. Fed up with a host of programs and policies instituted by the University of Tennessee, Knoxville's (UTK) Office of Diversity and Equity, the state legislature eliminated that office's funding.

You might think the message was clear—the representatives of the people do not want ideological zealotry in their university.

The problem is that "progressives" do not recognize any limits placed on them through democracy, property rights, or contracts. Convinced of their righteousness, they never stop trying to expand their sphere of control. In education, that means pushing their ideological beliefs and forcing out dissenters.

[N.S.: See my note at the bottom of this post.]

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Blueprint for Reform: Admissions Standards

The Martin Center is pleased to present our newest "Blueprint for Reform," on admissions standards at American universities.

To read the full series of policy blueprints, please visit our "Blueprints for Reform" page.

In our latest animated video, the Martin Center explains how racial preferences betray the original intent of "affirmative action."

[N.S.: This is Republican talk. "Racial preferences" is a euphemism for racial discrimination against Whites, which WAS the original intent of "affirmative action": racial quotas for radically unqualified, unfit blacks, as opposed to qualified, fit Whites.

Woke capture was achieved generations ago, because Republicans let it happen. That the tennessee state legislature eliminated the funding of the ut office of diversity and equity, is a narrow glimmer of light. But what were tn republicans doing for the previous 60-odd years?!]

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