Saturday, October 22, 2022

"‘total destruction': mexican man arrested after trespassing denton city hall; defecated everywhere

By A Texas Reader
sat, oct 22, 2022 5:43 p.m.

"'total destruction:' mexican man arrested after trespassing denton city hall. defecated everywhere.

"'total destruction:' man arrested after trespassing denton city hall
There, I fixed the headline.
Say, was he doing the job that folks in India won't do?
Asking for Nikki Hailey.


Anonymous said...

The only thing that story did was bring back a memory of Muskegon Race Course--back in the 2000s--when I attended live horse racing regularly.

One day,I walked into the second floor bathroom,only to find the wall --opposite the urinals--almost completely covered in diarrhea.Someone--had somehow--in someway--splattered a humongous amount of fecal material near the ceiling and let gravity do the rest.How they did it,I have no idea--a bucket obviously--but the amount of poop was so substantial that,seemingly,only an elephant could have worked up a bowel movement to that degree.

I had seen blacks around there earlier and assumed them to be the guilty sh*throwers.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Well...if Denton City Hall is anything like ultra Woke PDX City Hall, not sure I can disagree with the symbolism of his act, though I doubt he's got any actual reason for doing what he did, most likely some kind of weird scat fetish.

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