Sunday, October 23, 2022

german move to electric cars threatened – der spiegel internal combustion engines might now be more economical than electric alternatives

By R.C.
sat, oct 22, 2022 1:07 p.m.

german move to electric cars threatened – der spiegel internal combustion engines might now be more economical than electric alternatives

Too funny.


Anonymous said...

Germans have an affection for gas chambered contraptions--usually with Jews in them,I think--or am I wrong about that?


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Afghan rapefugee rapes Swedish woman and attempts to murder her by throwing her down a mineshaft, she survives and he is "sentenced" to life until parole:

I have heard the Swedish prison system is designed to rehabilitate, not punish and supposedly has a very low recidivism rate so I looked into it a bit:

From the article:

Prisoners in “open prisons” do not spend their time behind bars; rather, they live in housing that resembles dorms from a school, and have more freedom than what most people would usually imagine. Prisoners have access to televisions and are even able to visit their families while being monitored. Mic states, “Prisoners and staff eat together in the community spaces built throughout the prison. None are expected to wear uniforms.” This ties back to treating the prisoners as people with psychological needs. Eating with them will make them feel human.

"This system obviously works because according to the Guardian, Swedish prisoner numbers have dropped from 5,722 to 4,500 and last year four prisons were closed because of disuse. Swedish prisons focus on the rehabilitation of prisoners, to limit re-offenders. Sweden has the smallest number of re-offenders in all of Europe, just 16%".

Wow! Only around 5K, and dropping, prisoners in a country of 12 million, sounds to good to be true. So I scouted around for some other numbers and found this:

From the article:

"In Sweden, the total number of reported cases of sexual offenses increased from 2012 to 2021. Whereas a total number of over 15,000 sexual offenses were reported in 2012, this had increased to nearly 27,000 by 2021. The highest number of these were cases of sexual molestation, followed by rape. Especially the number of reported cases of rape increased over the period, from 6,300 in 2012 to 9,700 in 2021".

Note the on the graph that the number of sexual offenses has been climbing significantly from 2012 to 2021. Does this correspond with the increase in immigration the last decade?

Increasing sex crimes and dropping prisoner numbers? Does this mean open season for rape of Swedish women by blacks and moslems?

With around 27K sexual offenses per year, the number of people in prison seems very low. Especially when you consider that's just sex offenses, not murder, assault, burglary, ideological thought crimes (chuckle) etc. Does this indicate a low conviction rate? Of course, reported sex crimes does not mean they even caught the perp but the numbers still don't seem to add up. I would require more research to come up with answers (or perhaps just more questions) but I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't the kind of monkey business with crime state that goes on in this country, woke ideologues in positions of power may well be trying to camouflage or outright disappear migrant criminal behavior.

I don't give a crap about "humane" treatment when it comes to rapist murderers but I don't believe for a moment this Afghani POS is going to get what he deserves.

Anonymous said...

I view these walking tours of the various districts of Paris. Lots of e-bike and e-scooters. There you got it! OH, sure, the guv has it all planned out for you. Not me.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Kanye claims: ‘I Can Literally Say Antisemitic S**t and Adidas Can’t Drop Me’ No Kanye, misuse of the word literally aside, what you can do, as a black man, is say anti white s**t and get away with it. While your leash is a bit longer than it is with Whites, they'll still get you if you attack other protected groups.

Now that he has been dropped by Twitter, Kanye is acquiring Parler in order to communicate to the masses. Must be nice to have that kind of scratch:

Kanye is getting a lot of bad press and while I disagree with a lot of things he's said in the past, unlike virulently anti White racist black media figures like whoopie, kamala, LeBron, any number of blm zealots and on and on, he says things that are somewhat cogent from time to time.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Ralph Macchio dismisses Woke "too White" criticism of the Karate Kid movie by being ultra Woke himself!

Macchio says that because the movie talked about internment camps in the US it was "ahead of it's time". In one scene Morita drunkenly remembers his wife and child who died in childbirth in an internment camp. The suggestion was that the camp caused the death of his family and while it's conceivable being interned at a camp could contribute to someone's death, people were not deliberately killed. A movie truly "ahead of it's time" would bring up Japanese run internment camps which were far more extensive than American run ones and practiced slave labor, starvation and other horrors.

I'm as sick of hearing about internment camps as I am about slavery. Woke ideology dictates you ignore brutal Japanese internment camps and focus in on benign American ones. It's the same with slavery, nobody else in the world did it, just Whitey. No, it's crap, non Whites did it more and they were far worse.

Anonymous said...

There's also an "under the radar" effort to decriminalize crimes--of all types(including the biggies:rape and murder)and if black cops and commie White prosecutors are allowed to control areas of law enforcement,you will see those cops and prosecutors look the other way in arresting and convicting minority criminals.It happens now,but wait...