Thursday, April 14, 2022

"‘Where are all those who said black lives matter?’ NYC Mayor Eric Adams blasts blm activists for failing to act after a bloody night across the city left two black victims dead and another ten shot"

By R.C.
Thu, Apr 14, 2022 10:05 a.m.

"'Where are all those who said black lives matter?' NYC Mayor Eric Adams blasts blm activists for failing to act after a bloody night across the city left two black victims dead and another ten shot"

Well, black lives do matter.

To the coroner.


Anonymous said...

He's talking out of both sides of his nigga lips.He pushes soulless,incompetent blacks into his administration.and decries soulless,criminal blacks who are populating his city.

They're one and the same.You could switch a thug for the police commissioner and get the same result.

He's soulless as well--a liar,a racist--AND in so far over his head,you'd need sonar to detect him.


Bradley Morris said...

No money to be made from black on black murder.

Black Lives Matter is a terrorist/criminal gang which cynically uses race as a shield for its means of violence to its end of self enrichment.

eahilf said...

>NYC Mayor Eric Adams blasts blm activists for failing to act

What does he expect them to do? -- BLM is rhetorical racial guilt mongering; it's a shakedown racket aimed at Whites.

Even it wasn't (just) that, as such BLM is an appeal to conscience, and Blacks obviously do not have the same kind of civil conscience, so it would be pointless -- it won't bring any result.

Bradley Morris said...

Adams doesn't understand Black Lives Matter's reason for existence. BLM is a criminal/terrorist syndicate that uses race as a shield for its means of violence to its end of self enrichment. Nothing more. There is nothing to gain, monetarily or in grievance capital from black on black crime, so of course BLM is MIA.

Anonymous said...

This Adams is going to catch the ire of the negro that put him in office. The chickens come home to roost? Negroes are fond of such sayings.