Thursday, April 28, 2022

John Stossel on wikipedia's strong left-wing bias on contemporary issues

By An Old Friend
Thu, Apr 28, 2022 8:47 p.m.

John Stossel on wikipedia's strong left-wing bias on contemporary issues

I've donated to Wikimedia Foundation a few times at the $10 or $25 level.  I still have some inclination to do so, because on non-political* topics, it strikes me as invaluable.

* Some "technical" subjects, such as climate change, turn out to be political, too.

Wikipedia's Bias

I know you've had your own run-ins with wikipedia's extreme bias and experienced it firsthand.  This 8-minute video specifically cites the example of Wikipedia lumping in Trump's detention camps at the southern border with Nazi concentration camps, and what happened to Stossel's own efforts when he tried to edit that, putting to the test their misleading claim that "anyone can edit and correct." 

John speaks with founder Jimmy Wales and with one of wikipedia's most celebrated volunteer editors, who sticks to sports and such, and who says that on most science and sports matters, they're reliable sources of information, but not so on politics, where their left-wing bias is huge.  Many editors are self-proclaimed Marxists and socialists.  Mentions the Hunter Biden laptop and other examples of egregious bias.

Like libertarian Stossel, I used to donate to the wikipedia Foundation until about 5-7 years ago when its bias became too blatant to tolerate any longer. 

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