Thursday, April 14, 2022

The Public Loves a Liar: Is the World’s Leading Expert on Serial Killers a Fraud?

By N.S.

The truth is just too dry for most people.


Anonymous said...

Since when does the press worry about liars--or exposing them.Every one of the employees at cnbc,cbs,abc,cnn,msnbc or the nytimes,wapo,Chicago tribune etc could be written about as charlatans/purveyors of propaganda.

Or do something constructive:write about the lies that blacks tell day after day.


Anonymous said...

This man is obviously a fabulist who has a father and mother both of which were high achievers. F. Raud has concocted an amazing history and story and made a career not exactly Baron Munchausen but close. Once in deep could never get out.