Thursday, April 07, 2022

The Heartbreak of Ben Stiller and Christine Taylor’s Divorce!

By N.S.

According to’s biographical entry for the late, lamented Anne Meara, Ben Stiller’s mother, may she rest in peace:

“Had two children with Jerry Stiller: Ben Stiller and Amy Stiller. Ben Stiller and wife Christine Taylor had two children before divorcing, Ella Olivia Stiller and Quinlin Dempsey Stiller.”
Stiller and Taylor have never divorced. They separated, on and off, for a few years, yet their love for their children always kept them close. And even during their official separation, they were frequently seen in public together in good spirits.

Over two months ago, Stiller told an Esquire operative of the couple’s reconciliation, “We were separated and got back together and we’re happy about that. It’s been really wonderful for all of us. Unexpected, and one of the things that came out of the pandemic,” he said.

Time was, was the gold standard for show biz information. Since the early 2000s, however, it has increasingly morphed into a font of misinformation, in which it often resembles the pretend encyclopedia (aka wikipedia). I wonder what happened back then?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ben must have "strayed" for awhile,then after seeing future alimony payments,child support and the 50% rule--he cut his balls off and became a good husband again. His wife must be a great woman--or a sadistic witch with torture on her mind for the next twenty years of his life-- like my aunt did to my uncle,after he cheated.

Not pleasant.