Thursday, April 14, 2022

The Grand Rapids pd has finally released videos of racist black car thief and failed, would-be Cop-Killer, Patrick Lyoya (Videos, Videos, Videos!)

By N.S.

Darius McGee

This is why transparency is so important!!

Nicholas Stix

Transparency doesn’t help at all with black supremacists and their White “allies.”

Tinna Alongi

I find it odd when hearing references to being black in the video. So that's an excuse to act like this?

Sam M

Thank You for being honest. I’m one who would side slightly more with police in most circumstances, but if the video showed what many said happened (that the cop had the guy cuffed and just popped him out of nowhere), I would have said he deserved life in prison... Apparently most people can’t admit they misjudged the situation.

Caleb 39 minutes ago the plates didnt belong to the vehicle, wayyyy different than tags being expired

No Sender

 @Caleb Exactly. Both are non violent civil infractions, not the business of the police. Everyone saying he should have complied and would still be alive clearly dont follow stories like these- ask Philando Castile. Not to mention everyone saying he deserved it, or "wouldve been a brain surgeon" as some sort of sick joke- they all likely claim to be pro life.

N.S.:  @No Sender  Another liar is heard from. He was a car thief. Grand Theft Auto, a felony. (But even if he had been guilty of expired tags, that would still be the business of the police. Who else would enforce the matter?)

He refused to follow lawful orders. He ran from a lawful arrest. He repeatedly assaulted a policeman. He repeatedly grabbed for the officer's weapon. He escalated the situation until the cop had no other means for stopping him but shooting him. Your invoking of the Philando Castile case, a completely specious analogy, exposes your dishonesty and your evil. You're saying a black man should always fight the police, in which case the police have no choice but to kill. You unwittingly made the case for the cop, but you’ll never admit that.

Nicholas Stix

@A BC  “like wayyyy different like a capital crime punishable by execution? Don't be this simple.” Don't lie. What you really mean is that you support racist black criminals' refusal to follow cops' lawful orders, you support them running from them, assaulting them, grabbing their weapons, and killing them. Of course, the cop had a right, at that point to employ deadly force.


He already discharged the taser twice most tasers have to be reloaded after 2 discharges. He had an opportunity to back off unholster his weapon and hold him at gun point

@Dacarolinakrown N.S.: In close combat, with a felon who refuses to submit to any weapon? What are you, a screenwriter for PC Fantasy Police?


 @Nicholas Stix  if you look at the last video close enough the man had his hands on the ground holding himself up and on the taser toward the ground (on the front end not on the trigger). He had the opportunity to push off the suspects back pushing away from him then draw his weapon and hold him at gun point. I'm a first responder I know what it means to be under stress mentally and physically. I've been on active shooting scenes. Try somebody that doesn't have experience sir✌

@Dacarolinakrown  I’m sure I’ve been in more life-and-death situations, where someone was trying to kill me, than you have, only I wasn’t getting paid for it. The good guy had no opportunity to hold the bad guy at gunpoint, because the bad guy refused to submit. ​


Not following instructions isn't justification to act as judge, jury, and executioner. Same way it wasn't in the instance of George Floyd. Find a better argument.

N.S.: @Evan  “Not following instructions isn't justification to act as judge, jury, and executioner. Same way it wasn’t in the instance of George Floyd.” You are such a liar. Nobody “executed” George Floyd, except maybe Floyd himself. And the officer didn’t kill the perp for “Not following instructions.” He killed him for trying to escape, repeatedly assaulting him, and prolongedly fighting for his weapon, in order to kill the cop. And yes, those are grounds that justify acting as judge, jury, and executioner. You’re using the same idiotic, dishonest, racist talking points you used in support of Trayvon Martin's attempted murder of George Zimmerman. You're just mad the black bad guy failed to kill the non-black good guy.

Nicholas Stix

 @cknice11  "You can't stand over a person and shoot him in back of the head." Another racist liar!

Sigmund Frued

You want to follow and support these officers so diligently. So religiously. You want to know why this is wrong? You wan't to be able to see without your rose colored lenses? Lyoya did not follow protocol by getting out of his car, however his next reaction was psychologically based. He reacted to the officers immediate aggression, unwarranted by the immediacy of the traffic stop. Once Lyoya read the officer's reaction, then he became afraid to be arrested by a LONE WHITE OFFICER in a quiet neighborhood.

When the struggle commenced, at no point was Lyoya a threat to the officers safety. Resisting arrest is by no means warranted to lethal force. Lethal force is deemed necessary by a threat to the officer's own safety (physical) and to people around them. This was not the situation.

IF what the officer was saying at that time was true (that Lyoya had gotten a hold of the taser) (there is no video to back up this claim), this is where the use extreme force MAY be necessary. However, at this point, Lyoya was already on the ground. Grabbing onto the source of pain is, again, a PSYCHOLOGICAL reaction. When you are in pain, you don't think straight.

Lyoya was on the ground. The officer said NOTHING about use of lethal force. He did not offer a warning, he gave a demand, to someone who was not in his right mind with pain.

Officers are trained to take down someone without the use of lethal force. If everything in this video spoke complete truth, the officer could have disabled him. Broken his arm, shot his leg, to stop the struggle. He did not, and a man is now dead.

This execution style shot was not warranted. If this officer was so concerned for his life, he had every option to take a step back, to use threats, or to wait for backup. A man is dead. You mock his death.

N.S.: Sigmund Fraud Everything you said was a lie, including “and” and “the.”


Bradley Morris said...

"Broken his arm" or "shot his leg" (quite possibly hitting an artery and resulting in bleeding to death), seriously? Anyone who advocates that idiocy has clearly never been in a life or death struggle, as this officer obviously was. In any combat situation like this the police officer is always at a disadvantage. He or she always has to have some absurd "escalation of force" doctrine in the back of their mind, the perpetrator doesn't, as this video obviously demonstrates. This "shoot them in the leg" fantasy only exists in the absurd recesses of the liberal psyche. This video is plain and clear: the officer was trying to question and then detain someone obviously driving a stolen car. The perpetrator then violently resists, even against the discharge of the stun gun, leaving the officer with the unenviable choice of possibly being carried by six or judged by twelve.

Bradley Morris said...

"Once the struggle commenced, at no point was Lyola a threat to the officer's safety". Seriously? You can't be that fucking stupid. That's the only reason for the struggle to commence.

eahilf said...

Clearly English is not his first language -- the surname Lyoya is most common in Tanzania (link).

Many police departments now restrict or forbid high speed chases due to the danger to other innocent parties on the road -- I don't understand why they still allow officers to engage in a physical struggle with a suspect in a case like this, meaning the subject was not known to be wanted, and there was no evidence he was armed -- just let him run away and hold the passenger -- in any struggle, there is the risk the officer's service weapon can be taken and used against him -- obviously there are other risks too, as seen in this video.

As soon as he refused the command to stay in the car (a bad sign), I would have called for backup and probably pulled my weapon to help convince him to stay there -- still if he ran I would have let him run.

There is already a Wikipedia page about the killing (link), which is also already closed to editing by plebs (they want to control the spin on this).

I understand the difficulty of constantly dealing with the black criminal underclass -- but sometimes I have to conclude cops are their own worst enemies.

eahilf said...

Videos show what led up to GRPD officer shooting

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer released a statement following the press conference saying she and Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist have spoken with Lyoya’s family.

Why? -- does anyone remember Tyler Wingate? -- he was beaten to death in Detroit by a Black in the summer of 2019 (link) -- Whitmer was governor at that time -- did she call Wingate's parents?

Anyway, as I suspected, he's an import:

Patrick was 26. He arrived in the United States as a refugee with his family fleeing violence. He had his whole life ahead of him. Patrick was a son, a dad of two young daughters, and an older brother to his five siblings,” Whitmer said in the statement.

Anonymous said...

Not "judge and jury",but the cop WAS protecting himself from an espouser of black law--which means,there IS no law--no following police orders,no having a valid driver's license,no allowing yourself to be cooperative--let alone arrested by a (White) cop--and finally black law believes,you(as a black thug)should kill the cop--given the opportunity.

The GR cop had one microsecond chance to abort the arrest--when the Congoid initially ran away.This point has been brought up by a few "experts" on local TV.

"Let him go,"said Cle Williams the local NAACP leader,"arrest him later--it was a minor crime."

That's after the fact analysis.The fact Layoya wasn't cooperating meant(in the cop's mind) Layoya may have had warrants for felonies on his plate which he wanted to avoid arrest for. There was also a passenger in the car the cop had to consider--did they have a weapon?The cop determined the behavior of Layoya indicated this may not just be a "minor crime".

Once the cop decided to apprehend and contain Layoya it became a battle of survival--Layoya going for the cop's taser,in hopes of disabling him--followed by grabbing the cop's gun and killing him with it.

A White Detroit attorney(Van Johnson)is joining Crump's team.He was on local news last night saying "the cop is guilty of murder.Not only should there be criminal charges but civil."

More protests are scheduled for today--a beautifully sunny,but cool day in Grand Rapids.Last night,there was a big crowd downtown,--until the heavy rains came.

Whether blm/antifa groups start bringing in people from the outside to join local negroes is the question now--which is an entirely different ballgame altogether.


Anonymous said...

That's Cle Jackson,NAACP.


Anonymous said...

All the driver had to do was GET BACVK IN THE CAR andprobably not one wrong thing w2ould have occurred. WHY are they so uncooperative? Just do what you are told and again probably nothing of a serious nature will occur.

One cop too you can see the immense difficulty they have in subduing a single individual if that individual resists. All the martial arts training, weight lifting and non lethal devices doesn't seem to matter much from what you observe.

It wasn't too just the tag but that the tag did not agree with the registration [the cop suspected stolen car or stolen plates] of the car. Always something so minor but then escalation is major in an instant.

MAYBE it is just better to let the guy run and just go his merry way? I hate to say it but there it is.

Anonymous said...

Crump has a 1:30 presser today on the Layoya fambilee.The TV channel--eating this up--will interrupt Rachael Ray for this attempt to poison the minds of the jury pool.

More protests scheduled for tonight AND tomorrow night.When will things go out of control?It doesn't take much for blacks/commies to escalate things to chaos.Some(smart)businesses are boarding up their windows.


Anonymous said...


GRA:It didn't take long,but Crump(who looks like "Uncle Ben" on the rice box),told a whopper.
"The police escalated the minor traffic stop--in spite of the fact that Patrick never did anything aggressive against the police officer."

How about getting out of his car?

How about not showing a license?

How about running?

How about grabbing the taser and not letting go?

The only thing worse would be taking the cop's gun--or is THAT not aggressive either?(Not in black law,)


Anonymous said...

So get ready as "the community" goes Ape and starts a chimp-out over some stupid monkeyshines. I hope it doesn't turn into a bongo party.

eahilf said...

>I hope it doesn't turn into a bongo party.

I hope it does -- and worse and more often is better.

Again, without providing a link:

You're gonna hear a lot of hysterical cucking from the usual cucks as we get closer to the dam breaking on race reality. They will cling bitterly to their "one human race" platitudes until the precise moment they are deprogrammed and en masse switch allegiance to our worldview.

I want the 'dam to break' sooner rather than later -- more Whites need to see and understand the reality of race, and the danger becoming a minority in the US poses to them and their kids -- as I said, with the removal of statues, renaming of schools and other facilities, etc, the physical elimination phase of 'diversity' has already begun -- next comes wealth confiscation, since it was obtained by undeserving 'privileged' Whites who benefited unfairly from an 'institutionally racist' system.

I want to make clear I see two issues here: 1) the fact the struggle took place (I commented about that above), and 2) the shooting, i.e. whether it was justified or not.

Re 2) I did not see enough evidence in the video to say -- but I give the benefit of the doubt to the cop: his life was at stake, not mine -- I hope he doesn't get the Derek Chauvin treatment, but largely anti-white racial politics has clearly corrupted all the institutions responsible for handling this, so I don't have a good feeling about it.

Anonymous said...


GRA:Holt and Major Garrett(cbs' idiot,who has a negro mindset)promoted the story,but I wound up watching CBS. They sent a Mexican female reporter to my city,to tell us,"Grand Rapids is angry."

Not me--not about the cop attempting to enforce the law.

This is Crump notifying Holt--I knew it would happen this way once Crump came on board--which I also predicted.

Until the White cop is charged,the police chief Eric Winstrom will not divulge his name--refreshing in that regard.Crump said he wants the officer charged.

As of 7:04 p.m.WOOD reports the protest downtown "is wrapping up."


Anonymous said...


When reaching for the taser I do believe the person thought that was a firearm he was grabbing for. They DO look quite similar.