Friday, April 08, 2022

Still Lying: Jamie Satterfield on Knoxville Horror's "End"

By David in TN
Fri, Apr 8, 2022 10:43 a.m.

Jamie Satterfield on Knoxville Horror's "End"

Our former friend, Jamie Satterfield, left the knoxville news sentinel several months ago. She now writes for a small East Tennessee outlet called tennessee lookout.

"The high court's decision--made public late Monday--to deny Eric Boyd another appeal of his convictions effectively ends what was a 12-year quest by the families of slaying victims Channon Christian, 21, and Christopher Newsom, 23, to put him behind bars in the killings."

"Newsom was raped, shot three times and his body set afire alongside nearby railroad tracks within hours of the kidnapping. Christian was held captive inside the Chipman Street house for 36 hours, repeatedly raped, forced to swallow bleach in a bid to destroy DNA evidence of those rapes, and then stuffed alive inside a trash can in the kitchen. She slowly suffocated to death." 

"Boyd was a suspect from the start but insisted he wasn't anywhere near Washington Ridge Apartments, where the kidnapping took place, or Chipman Street when the crimes occurred."

"Federal prosecutors mounted a successful case against Boyd for hiding Davidson out after the killings, and he was sentenced to 18 years. State prosecutors, meanwhile, opted not to seek an indictment against Boyd in the slayings." 

"Thomas' agreement to testify came as the direct result of lobbying by Newsom's parents, Hugh and Mary Newsom. Newsom's parents had long believed it was Boyd who raped their son, put a dog collar around his neck and forced him to walk barefoot to nearby railroad tracks, where he was then executed. They enlisted the help of a private investigator, repeatedly begged prosecutors for an indictment and directly appealed to both Cobbins and Thomas to turn on their co-defendants."

David in TN: It is not the end. It remains for Davidson's death sentence to be carried out.

N.S.: And Jamie is still lying, as she has for years, about the two other rapist-murderers, who have never been arrested or tried for these crimes. The Chief Medical Examiner of Knox County testified at trial that there were two more DNA profiles from semen found on or in Channon Christian, beyond those of Lemaricus Davidson and his half-brother, Letalvis Cobbins. Years ago, Jamie asserted that the two additional DNA profiles were merely the product of the mixture of Davidson and Cobbins' DNA. Such a howler would be ludicrous, coming from a civilian, much less a veteran crime-and-courts reporter.



Anonymous said...

So much money wasted on the black scum of all black scum.They should have been lynched a long time ago--by someone on the inside.Certainly that could have been arranged.


Bradley Morris said...

All got wrist slaps, except for Davidson who was given a one way ticket to death row, which is where the rest of them should be, especially Coleman, who inhaled, savored and luxuriated in every second of Christian's torture and brutalization, but was handed a laughable 35 year sentence, even after remarking about her "adventure" in her diary.

Every second that these devoid, amoral, blank things, incapable of civilized mores, avail themselves of sustenance and shelter courtesy of Tennessee taxpayers in prison, is an affront on the sensibilities of properly functioning people.

eahilf said...

>She now writes for a small East Tennessee outlet called tennessee lookout.

Another story from the same outlet (2021):

Settled into new homes, refugees in US say they are working for a better life for all

Scroll down and look at the first few fotos of the 'refugees' -- the first 2 profiles are of people from the DRC; apparently many of them have been dumped in TN -- as I've said here a few times: for some years now, more 'refugees' from the DRC have been sent to the US than from any other country.

And about people from Liberia:

Without a lawyer, their attempts to gain asylum status were at first fruitless. Then in 1986, a path to citizenship opened up when then-President Ronald Reagan signed legislation granting amnesty to millions of undocumented immigrants.

Anonymous said...

The one colored guy sentenced to death will beondeath row for decades to come. More than likely just die in prison before he is executed. Justice is denied when delayed.

eahilf said...

Years ago, Jamie asserted that the two additional DNA profiles were merely the product of the mixture of Davidson and Cobbins' DNA.

I see the same claim about her is made in a piece by Stix published in 2018:

With New Charges, the Knoxville Horror Is A Live Case Again—Possibly with More Indictments to Come!

The article is good, the comments are entertaining.

If either of you has a link, a screencap, or something, I would like to see it.

For the record, I don't doubt she said something like that.

Such a howler would be ludicrous, coming from a civilian, much less a veteran crime-and-courts reporter.
