Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Meet black NYC subway terrorism suspect Frank James, 63 (Photos)

By David in TN

“Frank James — who warned last month that he was ‘entering the danger zone’ — rented a U-Haul van tied to the N train attack in Sunset Park and is being sought for questioning, police said at an evening briefing.

“Mr. Mayor, I’m a victim of your mental health program,” James said in one lengthy video.

“I’m 63 now full of hate, full of anger, and full of bitterness.”

He also criticized the mayor for not doing more to combat homelessness.

“Eric Adams, Eric Adams: What are you doing brother? What’s happening with this homeless situation,” he said while referring to the subway. “Every car I went to was loaded with homeless people. It was so bad I couldn’t even stand. I had to keep moving from car to car.”

N.S.: I hate to break it to Mr. James—not to be confused with Jesse James’ kid brother—or, to defend nation of islam mayor Eric Adams, but James may be a mayor late. It was racist, communist, kleptocrat Bill deBlasio (real name: Warren Wilhelm Jr.), who encouraged the proliferation of homelessness, while (with his black lesbian wife, Chirlane McCray) stealing $2 billion from city taxpayers targeted to help the homeless during his eight-year rule of crime.



Anonymous said...

THAT'S why his name is Frank--he's an older negro.


Anonymous said...

If the guy does prison time for this crime, just don't get locked up with him if you are a whitey. Jesse James did not like the negro and would have hung Frank in a second.

eahilf said...

“It’s just a matter of time before these white motherfu–ers decide, ‘Hey listen. Enough is enough. These ni–ers got to go,'” he said.

Taking 'go' literally: one can only hope.

There are few things, if any, that Blacks fear and resent more than the prospect of being forced to live apart from Whites.

Anonymous said...

“I’m 63 now full of hate, full of anger, and full of bitterness.”

Aren't they all!! They. Them.