Thursday, April 07, 2022

four secret service agents tied to phony cop scandal suspended

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
Thu, Apr 7, 2022 10:24 p.m.

Four Secret Service Agents Tied to Phony Cop Scandal Suspended

Systemic corruption in my dystopian hometown of Washington, D.C.


eahilf said...

Without giving the source (as I usually do via a link), here's a comment I saw about this story:

This is why state security and intelligence agencies used to consider homosexuals a security risk. Their high time preference and hedonism make them easy marks for bribery, seduction and blackmail. ... America has abandoned this premise for ideological reasons, and this is the result. It is now easy for foreign states to get agents close to US officials because of the sheer number of perverts in *ahem* top positions in DC.

Anonymous said...

And no one ever suspected a thing. Even the agents themselves.