Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Britons to be Minority by 2066 Banner

By "W"
Tue, Apr 12, 2022 7:13 p.m.

Britons to be Minority by 2066 Banner

The article references Sir David Coleman, who wrote at least one article for The Social Contract years ago:


Anonymous said...

Once that happens,the rest will be genocidally removed.


Anonymous said...

When they say "Britons" they mean whites. The indigenous people who will be less than 50 % of the popultion. Was orginally as I remember they said the year 2100. Thinks have sure speeded up a lot. Everywhere in the whitey homelands I guess it is the same. USA not alone.

Bradley Morris said...

Europeans must simply accept their displacement, as well as accept the occupations of the countries they created in Africa and other places by the "Indigenous" populations, who have reduced those satellite civilizations to rubble, cynically still dependent on those same Europeans for their very existence via foreign aid.

Anonymous said...

" USA not alone."

Things just occurring at a much accelerated pace now.