Sunday, February 27, 2022

Not from The Babylon Bee! "Sperm Banks Struggle to Recruit black donors and Other donors of color"

By R.C.
Sun, Feb 27, 2022 11:32 a.m.

Sperm Banks Struggle to Recruit Black Donors and Other Donors of Color - wsj

You can't make this s--t up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So Ms.Jenkins(who,in the article,is ID'd as black) wants black sperm and can't find it?She could try a temp job as a prison guard--that should achieve her goal--with gallons to spare.

Who would Ms.Jenkins consider a worthy black sperm donor?
A)Spent less than 10 years in prison at age 30?
B)Has less than 75% of his body covered by tattoos?
C)Someone with a vehicle newer than 1987?

To get all three qualifications in one person might take years to find--and go beyond menopause.

Tough choices--and then the blacks who donate,lie like hell about themselves--so she wouldn't know whether they're high school graduates or grade school dropouts(same thing basically).

No suggestions here for poor Ms.Jenkins.