Wednesday, January 12, 2022

We’ve Lost Colin Flaherty! Tireless Chronicler of Racist, black-on-White Crime Loses Battle with the Big C

Colin Flaherty, September 21, 1955-January 11, 2022

[“In Memoriam: Colin Flaherty—Cheerful Chronicler of Black Crime” (Peter Brimelow); and

“‘This was a Man’—RIP Colin (‘Crime is the New Black Entitlement’) Flaherty, September 21, 1955-January 11, 2022.” John Tremain]

By N.S.

As you can imagine, I am not feeling too hot. Energetic, yes, but deeply saddened. (In other words, neither me nor any of my babies is at death’s door.)

A few years ago, it seemed like Colin Flaherty worked 25 hours a day, eight days a week. The man was tireless, even though his task was Sisyphean. He would upload thousands of videos to his google/youtube channel, only to have google delete them all. Although Colin was simply chronicling black racist hate crimes, google’s gauleiter would act as if COLIN were the hate criminal. But he would just pick himself up, dust himself off, and start all over again. I viewed numerous videos, and read numerous essays by him.

I only met Colin Flaherty once. He was a guest at the after-party in a nearby restaurant after the 2019 VDARE Christmas Party, the last one so far, due to, first, the China Virus pandemic, and then the New York City pandemic political terror campaign of racist, kleptocrat, communist Mayor Bill de Blasio. (Who was just succeeded by Nation of Islam Mayor Eric Adams.)

He was a big lug, this Irishman, at least 6’2,” and though he had salt-and-pepper hair (I believe covered with a cap) and beard, and was 64, according to the calendar, he did not seem at all old.

And he was of good humor and generous. When he introduced himself, not that any introduction was necessary—I’d seen his mug shot all over the Web—and I responded, “You’re one of my sons!,” he took it in stride.

When it came time to go, I tried to pay my tab, but was informed that Colin had paid my tab, and that of several other celebrants.

A substantial proportion of mankind will waste their lives, and when the time comes, will have missed opportunities to do the right thing, not that many of them will even care. But not Colin Flaherty. He left the world two children, and spent tens of thousands of hours researching and reporting on the great injustice of our time.

An Irish Blessing

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again, until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.


Anonymous said...

I can only second what you have said.Fine job,he did--showing the truth about blacks. He will be missed,in the battle between Whites who care--and the rest of America--and the world.


eahilf said...

A good man. Honest, fearless, humble.

In memory and in the spirit of Colin Flaherty, a thread about the forgotten murder of Seth Smith in Berkeley CA -- link

Anonymous said...

" But Colin died as he lived: in his words, “without racism, without rancor, and without apology.”

--Tremaine piece on Flaherty

GRA:To attain victory over our genocidalist opposition,Whites are going to need to be racist,realists and survivalists. Tremaine asserts Colin Flaherty was not racist--I admit I am--whether Flaherty was or wasn't,I don't know,but WE NEED TO BE--because tolerance of what's here already and what's coming in the future--will mean the end of White people in a comparatively short amount of time.