Monday, January 24, 2022

Did a Raceless Assassin Set Up a White Cop for blm-style Execution in Houston?

“Harris County Corporal Charles Galloway was shot dead during a Sunday morning traffic stop in Houston”

“Texas Cop Fatally Shot during Midnight Traffic Stop”

“A Texas police officer was shot dead during a Sunday morning traffic stop in Houston and the suspect [sic] was in the wind.

“Harris County Corporal Charles Galloway pulled over a car at 12:45 a.m. and the suspect immediately got out and sprayed his patrol car with gunfire before fleeing the scene, according to authorities.

“Galloway, 47, did not have time to defend himself, and the suspect may have ambushed him with an assault-type weapon, police told KHOU....”


Anonymous said...

Not only open disregard for White man's law,but open war against White law enforcement PEOPLE.The mindset is being established for the next phase of blacks attempting to take over these areas of society.As in another article about French police avoiding Muslims because of vicious attacks against them,similarly,White man's law will soon eliminate any attempt to engage/confront blacks on the street--let alone enforce the law--which is what blacks want.

As Miranda Devine noted but I have said for years--more prisons,more arrests of blacks and full prosecution--that's step one.

Step two:Cutting down the population of blacks in America in whatever feasible ways are possible.(Deportation,sterilization,imprisonment.)

Don't hold your breath.Unless another nationwide riot spree breaks out and Whites--in a snap of the fingers,decide they've been too liberal about black behavior and had enough--this escalates for the foreseeable future in favor of blacks.


Anonymous said...

Does sound like an ambush.