Wednesday, January 12, 2022

UW Censors Professor, for Violating Its Unconstitutional Newspeak

-----Original Message-----
From: FIRE <>
Sent: Wed, Jan 12, 2022 1:46 p.m.

UW Professor: 'Obviously their version of diversity does not include conservative viewpoints.'

UW Professor: 'Obviously their version of diversity does not include conservative viewpoints.'
University of Washington professor censored

after deviating from administration's

required language on syllabus
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UW: Professor created 'toxic environment' by deviating from university-approved language about Native American land

If professors at the University of Washington want to include a statement of land acknowledgment on their syllabi, the only acceptable viewpoint is the one approved by the administration. Professor Stuart Reges learned this the hard way when a land acknowledgment on his syllabus was censored by administrators.
"I decided to see whether it was acceptable to present an alternate viewpoint," said Reges. "Obviously their version of diversity does not include conservative viewpoints."
As a public institution bound by the First Amendment, UW must uphold its professors' free speech and cannot discriminate against them based on viewpoint. FIRE is on the case.

Citing the 'harm' of open discussion, Emory Law's student government denies recognition to free speech group

This week, FIRE called on Emory Law to promptly process the Emory Free Speech Forum's application for a charter. Emory's Student Bar Association denied recognition to the nonpartisan student group "devoted to fostering critical discourse and open dialogue." Emory University is one of the few institutions in the country to earn our "green light" rating for its speech-protective policies. The denial of a student group based on its viewpoint contradicts Emory's own policies. 

More from FIRE's Newsdesk:


Anonymous said...

They're just like Facebook and Twitter--the law of the country is superseded by their own organizational laws.They can choose who they want on their sites or what they can say in their schools. However,if someone wanted to deny entrance to blacks to their restaurant or other establishment,they couldn't do it.The government can't tell Fbook and Twitter to allow free speech,but they CAN tell other private companies who they must allow in and serve.

It makes no sense.


Anonymous said...

Attempted Nicholas Stix re-enactment(?) on "The (black)Wonder Years".

I came downstairs to make some coffee and on the TV--covering the screen from side to side and top to bottom--was the face of black kid--with big black glasses.I said to myself,that must be the "black Wonder Years".


I partook 30 seconds of it.

In this scene,some White kids were in the hallway,where they saw two blacks and a White skinned kid with permed hair.

One of the group of White kids says,"Hey Herbie,want a penny?"And he throws it down on the floor.

The black kid hero of the show narrarates:"I didn't understand their hatred of me,but I really didn't understand their hatred of our friend--who was Jewish."

The black kid picked up the penny.

From my recollection of N.S. past stories about blacks,I was surprised to see ABC showing--almost an alliance--between blacks and Jews.Did blacks and Jews "hang out" together in peace and brotherhood

Any comment?

After the 30 seconds,off went the TV.Enough propaganda for the day.


Anonymous said...

The great gap between the whitey view of the world and the American Indian view of the world. Ownership of anything as understood by whitey a concept totally alien to the American Indian mentality.

American Indians did not "own land" but rather used the resources thereof.

Land acquired by negotiated treaty or purchase with cash can hardly be said to be "stolen".

As the old rabbi would have said: "Two carts approach a bridge going in different directions. One cart is full the other empty. Which should be given the right of way?"

Anonymous said...


(ap)The Senate has passed a bill to award the Congressional Gold Medal posthumously to Emmett Till, the Chicago teenager murdered by white supremacists in the 1950s, and his mother, Mamie Till-Mobley, who insisted on an open casket funeral to demonstrate the brutality of his killing.

Till was abducted, tortured and killed after witnesses said he whistled at a white woman in Mississippi, a scenario contradicted by others who were with Till at the time.

The killing galvanized the civil rights movement after Till's mother insisted on an open casket and Jet magazine published photos of his brutalized body.

Sens. Cory Booker, D-N.J. and Richard Burr, R-N.C., introduced the bill to honor Till and his mother with the highest civilian honor that Congress awards. They described the legislation as a long overdue recognition of what the Till family endured and what they accomplished in their fight against injustice.

GRA:And what will Whites receive for OUR current and future injustice?Nothing,but an asterisk in history books.

As far as black a** kissing by the Senate goes,Juneteenth Day last year--and now this.It's laughable--if it wasn't so disgusting.


Anonymous said...


GRA:Interesting that WOOD/AP has "White" in upper case.Did something change here?

LANSING, Mich. (AP/WOOD) — The leader of the Michigan State Police is pledging changes in conjunction with the release of an independent report finding that troopers disproportionately pulled over Black drivers in 2020 traffic stops.

Across the state, African American motorists were more likely to be stopped than expected under a series of benchmarks, according to the research done by the Michigan State University School of Criminal Justice.

The report revealed traffic stops that happened during daylight hours were 33% more likely to involved African American drivers. The study writers noted that was troubling because it’s easier to see the race of a driver during the day than at night.

Read the full report
The review also says Black and Hispanic drivers were significantly more likely than White motorists to be searched or arrested after traffic stops.

“While this report reveals the disparities do exist, it is not a commentary on the integrity of individual troopers,” Col. Joe Gasper, director of Michigan State Police, said. “We need further study to determine the root causes for these disparities but the need for further study does not change the fact that these findings demand immediate action.”

Read the report summary
Gasper outlined a five-point plan to better understand and address the disparities.

“On behalf of the entire department, I pledge immediate action to identify and enact solutions,” he said. “Michiganders deserve unbiased policing, transparency and accountability from their state police, and that’s what they’re going to get.”

GRA:Simply stop those breaking the law.Which is what they've been doing,I suspect.


Anonymous said...

"The report revealed traffic stops that happened during daylight hours were 33% more likely to involved African American drivers. The study writers noted that was troubling because it’s easier to see the race of a driver during the day than at night."

NO! Blacks like cars with heavily tinted winders. The pimp look.

Anonymous said...

We are approaching or are at an era during the Medieval period. Professors at the universities as they existed at the time the slightest bit of perceived heresy and you would be hounded mercilessly from school to school seeking a position.

Foreign nations will benefit from the present persecution? Refugees are always able to find sanctuary. Singapore perhaps.