Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Please Help the Profoundly Retarded! Hulk Hogan and youtube “Influencer” Promote Fantasy, Whereby Betty White, Bob Saget, and Sidney Poitier were All Killed by the China Virus Vaxx

[“Updates on the Death of Bob Saget.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Wednesday, January 12, 2022 at 2:18:00 P.M. EST

Word is Spreading that the Vaxx Killed Bob Saget and Betty White

GRA: White had a stroke (of course she was 99)—I don’t see WHY she would get vaxxed. Saget, however, admitted to a booster in December. What Hogan says is important—only to add perspective. Word must be getting around about the circumstances which occurred before these celebs died. Did they get a jab—or not? The truth is important.

(The blaze) Former wrestling star Hulk Hogan pushed a popular conspiracy theory claiming that beloved actress Betty White, comedian Bob Saget, and legendary actor Sidney Poitier all died after receiving vaccination shots.

[N.S.: If you have to say “legendary actor Sidney Poitier,” then he wasn’t one.]

Hogan, whose real name is Terry Bollea, made the comment on a video from youtube influencer Josh Pray lamenting the death of Saget. The wrestler responded to a commenter who claimed that the Full House star had died from the “jab,” a nickname for the coronavirus vaccine shot.

“100 percent Betty and Sidney were also jabbed their [sic] dropping like flies but they'll never say it,” Hogan responded.

That comment was deleted soon after, but its existence was documented by many who took screenshots before it was taken down.


N.S.: What Hulk Hogan has to say is clearly worthless. He’s either making stuff up out of whole cloth, or promoting what another liar made up out of whole cloth. He’s just an old publicity-whore looking for attention. And if this garbage is any indication, the “influencer” is only influential because he promotes garbage.

I thought everyone knew—White, Saget, and Poitier’s lives were all cut short by apartheid!


Anonymous said...

Lol.The "apartheid vaxx"--separating the breathing from the unbreathing.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Can't say I've really paid much attention to anything Hulk Hogan has said but I do know he is obsessed with 9/11 being an inside job, which it may be but I don't recall hearing much of anything from him that sounds substantial. Except for his "racist rant" over his coal burning daughter, that sounded pretty real. Gotta love him just for that. Not sure who the "source" is. Excerpts are below:

“I don’t know if Brooke was f*cking the black guy’s son,” Hulk raved, the sources add.

“I mean, I don’t have double standards. I mean, I am a racist, to a point, f*cking n*ggers. But then when it comes to nice people and sh*t, and whatever.” ...

According to sources, he said: “I mean, I’d rather if she was going to f*ck some n*gger, I’d rather have her marry an 8-foot-tall n*gger worth a hundred million dollars! Like a basketball player!

“I guess we’re all a little racist. Fucking n*gger.”

Anonymous said...

Lol.But he REALLY wouldn't want her with a NBA nig*er either--just the nba nig*er's money--like most White women who go after black athletes.


Anonymous said...


(ZH)As we've said over and over, just when you think Covid-lunacy has reached its peak... enter a new insane policy cooked up by a neurotic and despotic government somewhere, typically in the West. And of course the latest is out of Canada: "The Canadian province of Quebec will charge a health tax to residents who are not vaccinated against Covid-19," BBC reports.

Ostensibly this is health authorities' "response" to the soaring case numbers, which of course begs the question: why is highly-vaxxed Canada seeing record Covid-related deaths and a bump in confirmed infections in the first place? Apparently the answer is that when the vaccine is in doubt, double-down: More vaccines, more regulations, take away more freedoms.

The Brave New World/1984/Animal Farm/Hunger Games [insert any dystopian book title here] "health tax" will be the first of its kind in the nation, or we might add anywhere in the world - given authorities vow the monetary penalty will be steep and "significant" - and of course Quebec officials are positively boasting about this fact: "On Tuesday, the premier announced that it would be the first in the nation to financially penalize the unvaccinated." They are calling it a "health contribution" tax.

But the BBC follows by stating another fact: "Only about 12.8% of Quebec residents are not vaccinated, but they make up nearly a third of all hospital cases," and more: "According to federal data, just over 85% of Quebec residents had received at least one vaccine dose by 1 January."

Put another way, about two-thirds of all hospital cases in Quebec are individuals who have been vaccinated. Ah yes, time to target the unvaxxed..


Anonymous said...

"What Hulk Hogan has to say is clearly worthless."

I wouldn't be quite so sure. Don't let the Hulkster hear you. Remember what happened to John Stoessel when he confronted a wrestler one time.