Saturday, January 08, 2022

black Raleigh Doctor Charged with Fraud after Billing Medicare $46 Million for Sinus Care


Anonymous said...

There are thousands of other black "witch doctors" who swindle smaller amounts--and haven't gotten caught--yet.I'll bet over 75% of them do it to some extent.


Anonymous said...

It is not that blacks are per say against corruption. Just that they did not get their fair share of it. Atone whitey and pay up.

Anonymous said...

I blame Affirmative Action and Liberal Whites need for black pets

Anonymous said...

"There are thousands of other black 'witch doctors' who swindle smaller amounts--and haven't gotten caught--yet.I'll bet over 75% of them do it to some extent."

Doctors Sabu and Babu from India also good at that kinda stuff. Know how to game the system. Cater to a negro clientele because they are patients that will go along with the routine.

Anonymous said...

As was quoted by the black caucus about the subway worker breaking the rules,"black women have enough to worry about on a daily basis than..."

"...being honest with Medicare."

In otherwords--racist!