Saturday, January 08, 2022

A Significant Proportion of All Fully Vaccinated Adults Who Died of COVID-19 Had at Least Four Risk Factors Associated with Severe Outcomes

By A Colleague
Sat, Jan 8, 2022 7:52 p.m.

A Significant Proportion of All Fully Vaccinated Adults Who Died of COVID-19 Had at Least Four Risk Factors Associated with Severe Outcomes

[Name deleted] (pronouns: She/Her; vaccination status: anti-science, racist, misogynist extremist)

TRUDEAU: "But there are also people who are vehemently opposed to vaccination.  These are extremists, who don't believe in science, who are often misogynists, often racist, too.  It is a sect, a small group, who are taking up space. And here we have to make a choice, as a leader, as a country. Do we tolerate these people?"


Anonymous said...

Great cartoon.


Anonymous said...

That is true of all Covid deaths, vaxxed or unvaxxed--multiple co-morbidities. But not eveyone gets to have perfect health. Don't forget that all-cause mortality is higher among the vaxxed than the unvaxxed. I have had 4 or 5 co-morbidities for over 20 years--that's no reason to stack the odds higher by getting the killer vax. So far, I have avoided getting sick by taking ivermectin twice a week--in spite of being exposed to dozens of people every week--knock on wood.

Anonymous said...


Elizabeth Palmer,reporting on CBS' "Face(the Commie)Nation",instead of reporting the facts--i.e.France says they are seeing 300,000 new Omicron cases a day--and stopping at that point,ventured into "boo-hoo journalism" with her observation that,"the disparity between rich nations and poor nations receiving vaxxes is so wide,that the 10 most affluent nations have gotten more jabs than the rest of the world put together."

Boo hoo.

In other news,Brad Pitt gets more hot women than GRA does.Want a disparity?THERE'S a disparity--fix THAT,dumbass Dems--lol.

It's called life.


Anonymous said...

Knock on wood.Much appears to be luck,circumstances and DNA.

Anonymous said...

"These are extremists, who don't believe in science, who are often misogynists, often racist, too. "

Golly! Marcel the Canadian frog is such a genius. He is able to get into the head of so many people and KNOW what they are thinking. He can even read minds.