Monday, January 17, 2022

14 Reasons Why Martin Luther King Day Should be Abolished

By Nicholas Stix

1. King was such a bad man that his widow, Coretta Scott King, had to get a federal judge to place his FBI files under wraps until 2027, or there would have been scandal upon scandal, which would have either imperiled the movement to have a national holiday named for him, or at least have made such a movement look as ridiculous as it really was;

2. King is an idol like Mohammed. The holiday in his name therefore sanctifies every bad thing he ever did;

3. King was a serial plagiarist, who stole his title as a “Dr.” at Boston University from a White man, Jack Stewart Boozer. The King cult has helped destroy academic standards in America;

4. He was one of the greatest adulterers in American history, having literally had a girl (many girls, actually) or a prostitute (no disrespect to working girls intended) in every port. Thus has the King cult helped to destroy sexual morality in America;

5. He supported violence, declaring “Riots are the voice of the voiceless.” By his own admission, he deliberately used the so-called principle of non-violence to incite violence;

6. He degraded the black church into a partisan political organization that routinely violates the tax laws, and violates the very “constitutional principle” of the “separation of church and state” (never mind that no such principle exists in the constitution) that supporters of the King cult ruthlessly and one-sidedly impose on white Christians;

7. He was the most powerful supporter of Communism that this country had ever seen. He surrounded himself with Communists, and took their money: Stanley Levison, Jack O’Dell (aka Hunter Pitts), Bayard Rustin, Myles Horton, Zilphia Horton, the Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth, Carl Braden, Anne Braden, James A. Dombrowski, Aubrey Williams, Abner W. Berry, Ahmed Ben Bella, et. al.;

8. He destroyed the concept of civil rights. As the most celebrated leader of the so-called civil rights movement, more appropriately called the black rights movement, which through verbal legerdemain took something that is the inheritance of every legal American citizen—civil or constitutional rights—he made them the private property of blacks, including blacks that aren’t even citizens;

9. He was America’s greatest orator, and did something that to my knowledge, no other major American orator has done. Whereas politicians typically wait for a later speech to contradict what they have claimed to be all that is near and dear to them, King accomplished this feat in the same, “I Have a Dream” speech. At different points in the speech, he both called on America to be guided by the principle of color-blindness, and to impose race-specific policies granting welfare and reparations programs to blacks. Thus did MLK contribute more than any other American to the degradation of oratory;

10. He undermined the rule of law in general, as something that only Whites must obey, but which must serve blacks, and particularly the principle, enshrined in the 14th Amendment of equality under the law. The 1964 U.S. Civil Rights Act, which his cultists credit him with getting enacted, has served to relegate Whites to the status of second-class citizens;

11. He was a traitor, and helped to mainstream treason. On April 4, 1967, he delivered a speech at New York’s Riverside Church which could have been written in Hanoi, and delivered via diplomat’s pouch, so true was it to Communist lies. King claimed to be speaking on behalf of peace, but it was the peace of the graveyard. He was acting as the advocate of the North Vietnamese Communists and their allies; and

12. His true beliefs were the opposite of the color-blindness to which he paid lip-service. At the time of his murder, he was in Memphis demanding hard racial quotas for all public service jobs, matching the black proportion of the populace, qualifications be damned.
13. His name wasn’t Martin Luther King Jr.; it was Michael King Jr. He was born Michael King Jr., the son of Michael King Sr. Neither the father nor the son ever changed his name. So, how can you have a national holiday celebrating a man under a name he never legally bore?

This is similar to the Barack Obama problem, but the BO problem is worse. In “Obama’s” case, a man was illegally elected president of America twice running under a fake name; and 14. He was a rapist.

N.S.: Note that most of the following reader comments were in response to an earlier version, “12 Reasons Why Martin Luther King Day Should be Abolished.”

By Anonymous

This is rather like being called ugly by a frog.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018 at 12:44:00 A.M. EST

By Anonymous

13. Unlike Reagan, he didn't know how to take a bullet (meaning, if he had lived to his 80s, would he still have received holiday status?) Along those lines, if Reagan had been assassinated, would there have been a national holiday named for HIM? Answer:Kennedy didn’t—neither would have Reagan.

14. What’s next...a Jesse Jackson or Malcolm X Federal holiday in March?

15. Followed by Obama Day, Maxine Waters Day, etc., etc., etc. (in the new, non-white America). It would continue with elimination of Columbus Day (White guy) and Veterans Day (too many Whites were vets).

Whites must really start looking at the future in a very sober way.

---GR Anonymous

Tuesday, January 16, 2018 at 12:44:00 A.M. EST

By Anonymous “King was such a bad man that his widow, Coretta Scott King, had to get a federal judge to place his FBI files under wraps until 2027”

As records sealed by I believe a colored judge cherry picked. And in 2027 they will get another fifty-year extension on the sealing of the documents, etc.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018 at 11:38:00 A.M. EST

By Anonymous

“King was a serial plagiarist, who stole his title as a ‘Dr.’ at Boston University from a White man, Jack Stewart Boozer.”

Those persons that awarded KKKing his doctorate even said EVEN IF THEY HAD KNOWN THE MAN WAS A CHEAT THEY WILL WOULD STILL HAVE GIVEN HIM THE PhD!

Tuesday, January 16, 2018 at 11:56:00 A.M. EST

By Anonymous

“14.What’s next...a Jesse Jackson or Malcolm X Federal holiday in March?”


Tuesday, January 16, 2018 at 11:57:00 A.M. EST

By Anonymous

“He degraded the black church into a partisan political organization that routinely violates the tax laws.”

Correct. NO exemption from taxes only if you do not preach politics from the pulpit.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018 at 11:59:00 A.M. EST


Anonymous said...

In four years since I warned about other black national holidays,we had Congress vote in--almost in a panic--Juneteenth Day--and recently Emmett Till and famblee received the gold something or another from that same cowardly group.

At this rate of black mania,they may have to add days to the calendar year to make room for all the other accolades that must be on the drawing board in Mitch McConnell's brain dead mind.


Anonymous said...

I doubt the FBI tapes will EVER be heard. It will be said they have become "degraded" or "lost".