Sunday, November 07, 2021

Camilla Blown Away After Hearing Joe Biden "Loudly" Fart

By R.C.
Sun, Nov 7, 2021 5:18 p.m.

Report: The Duchess of Cornwall Has Reportedly been Telling Close Associates President Joe Biden Farted "loudly" in Front of Her in Glasgow

R.C.: How do we know he merely “farted”?

Best the White House laundry check for the “presidential seal” on his BVDs.


Anonymous said...

Such a vulgar term. The President never farts--he just has GREENHOUSE GAS emissions. Perhaps Bezos or Musk can have an afterburner designed for his butt.

Anonymous said...

Originally it was reported he had crapped in his pants. Oldsters wi8th mental issues do that a lot. Walk around with a pants full and seemingly oblivious to the issue.

Anonymous said...

I was at a horse track years ago and a 300 lb guy in his 60s,carrying a beer,walked down the aisle,past where I was sitting and I heard this sound like air being let out of a balloon,before the sound got deeper and lower and when he got a few feet farther away it was a pulsating,loud sound--about a 30 second,continuous fart--and every time he took a step,it was like a tuba was being played.He went to his seat as if nothing happened.People were either laughing or shaking their heads--holding their noses.