Tuesday, May 04, 2021

Supreme Court Declines to Hear Arizona Election Fraud Challenge

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From: Epoch News Alert <newsletter@theepochtimes.com>
To: add1dda@aol.com
Sent: Tue, May 4, 2021 3:26 p.m.

Supreme Court Declines to Hear Arizona Election Fraud Challenge



Anonymous said...

"Earlier this year, the Arizona Supreme Court issued a ruling that agreed with a trial court judge in Pinal County that Burk lacked the right to contest the election. The reason given was that she wasn’t a registered voter at the time she filed her lawsuit, as required in state election contests. Both courts also agreed that she made her legal challenge too late, after the five-day period for filing such an action had passed."

GRA:So by that logic,illegals shouldn't be allowed to file lawsuits?They're not even citizens!This woman WAS a citizen and denied due process--by the state Supreme Court and the SCOTUS,but illegals were constantly WINNING suits in district court during the Trump years about who could be deported or allowed in this country.

As in the Chauvin case,SCOTUS wants this over with--and came up with a lame reason to end it.

Anonymous said...

What if this whole Arizona thing shows Don did win the state. You gonna count all the votes in other states then? Doubt it.