Tuesday, May 04, 2021

MI: Mother of 4, 35, Dies 11 Days after Getting Johnson & Johnson Chinabug Vax

By "W"
Tue, May 4, 2021 1:37 p.m.

MI: Mother of 4, 35, Dies 11 Days after Getting J&J Chinabug Vax




Anonymous said...

For those who say only a tiny percentage die: 1.that is counting only the deaths actually reported--the actual number could be many times higher. 2.Just because a person doesn't die, doesn't mean there isn't internal organ damage that is not visible. 3. No one knows what the adverse effects will be in a year, or several years. Other vaccines have bad adverse effects show up much later. Maybe there will be NO long term effects. Maybe long term effects will be devastating. As Dirty Harry said: "Do you feel lucky, punk? Well, do you?"

Anonymous said...


I had posted further details concerning this story in the comments of the "As the Powers That Be..." headline and also initially under the,"Which is Deadlier..." headline.

It was first reported yesterday on Grand Rapids' local news,because the city of Ionia is fairly close by(33 miles east).

Reading the "Which is Worse..."posting gives the exact cause of death.Both stories explain the symptoms--almost exclusively for women of childbearing age,so far.