Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Gas Stations Begin to Run Out of Fuel after Cyberattack on Colonial Pipeline as It's Revealed 12 Other Businesses are being Targeted in Ongoing Hack

By R.C.
Mon, May 10, 2021 8:51 p.m.

Gas Stations Begin to Run Out of Fuel after Cyberattack on Colonial Pipeline as It's Revealed 12 Other Businesses are being Targeted in Ongoing Hack

Filled up at Costco.

Thank God for the refineries on the Gulf Coast of Texas and Louisiana.

The folks in D.C., Philadelphia and New York City are gonna suffer.

See, I knew there was an upside to the hack.


Anonymous said...

Why couldn't it be someone employed in the refinery industry doing it for financial reasons?Either to get prices jacked up or to manipulate stock or option prices on crude?


Anonymous said...

Why do the idiots running things connect every damn thing to the internet? Things worked before the internet existed and if you really gotta, hafta, can't do without computer control--those computers don't have to use the internet. How many times have hackers stolen national security secrets, secret designs, etc. by hacking? You can't hack what you can't access. A Navy computer man told me that Navy ships are run by computer--if the computer is down which could be caused by a computer virus, an electromagnetic impulse, or just lousy Microsoft software, the ship is dead in the water. The US won the war in the Pacific with ships controlled by men--not computers. Time to wise up. Disconnect important things from the internet and always have manual overrides. This is just common sense--which is sorely lacking these days.